Daily Stormer
October 7, 2014

On Saturday morning, a debate between Rep. David Valadao, a Republican, and his Democratic challenger, Amanda Renteria, was hosted completely in Spanish.
Just like SNL says, it is going to be so cute when there is no more English spoken in America.
Won’t it be fun?
Won’t it be diverse?
Dare I say it – it shall be truly vibrant.
The debate, hosted by Univision Fresno at Fresno State in Bakersfield, Calif., the Fresno Bee wrote, was “conducted entirely in Spanish.”
“It was geared toward Latino voters and focused on topics including immigration, water, agriculture and the economy,” according to reporter Andrea Castillo.
Univision Fresno’s David Ibarro hosted the debate, in which both candidates abdicated English to speak only Spanish.
“Valadao’s parents, who were Portuguese immigrants, taught him their native language before he learned English,” Castillo wrote. “He picked up Spanish during and after high school, mainly by speaking to workers on his family’s ranch. Renteria, the daughter of a Mexican immigrant, said she grew up speaking both Spanish and English.”
Castillo added that they both “stumbled through the debate at times,” but Renteria had “better fluency overall” as Valadao “often mixed in English or Portuguese words.”
Valadao is one of the few Republicans in the House who has thrown his weight behind a comprehensive immigration reform plan that has been offered by House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, a plan similar to the Senate “Gang of Eight” bill.