US Continues Threatening Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2017

Don’t worry, guys.

It’s all a part of a chess strategy.

We’re going to have a war with Russia for chess purposes. Then, after the nukes have dropped, you will see it and be like “AHA! I see what you did there.”

Everything is chess.

Fox News:

The United States is vowing to keep up the pressure on Syria after the intense nighttime wave of missile strikes from U.S. ships, despite the prospect of escalating Russian ill will that could further inflame one of the world’s most vexing conflicts.


Good word.

I’m feeling vexed the hell out.

Standing firm, the Trump administration on Friday signaled new sanctions would soon follow the missile attack, and the Pentagon was even probing whether Russia itself was involved in the chemical weapons assault that compelled President Donald Trump to action. The attack against a Syrian air base was the first U.S. assault against the government of President Bashar Assad.

Much of the international community rallied behind Trump’s decision to fire the cruise missiles in reaction to this week’s chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of men, women and children in Syria. But a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the strikes dealt “a significant blow” to relations between Moscow and Washington.

At the United Nations, Russia’s deputy ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, strongly criticized what he called the U.S. “flagrant violation of international law and an act of aggression” whose “consequences for regional and international security could be extremely serious.” He called the Assad government a main force against terrorism and said it deserved the presumption of innocence in the chemical weapons attack.

U.S. officials blame Moscow for propping up Assad.

“The world is waiting for the Russian government to act responsibly in Syria,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said during an emergency Security Council session. “The world is waiting for Russia to reconsider its misplaced alliance with Bashar Assad.”

Haley said the U.S. was prepared to take further action in Syria but hoped it wouldn’t be necessary.

If “necessity” is the basis on which we are planning wars against Moslems, then I am pretty sure we already have a pretty serious problem.

The official Saudi Press Agency reported that King Salman complimented Trump in a telephone conversation for his “courageous decision.”

Saudi Arabia, one of the most vehement opponents of Assad, said the missile barrage was the right response to “the crimes of this regime to its people in light of the failure of the international community to stop it.”

In Florida with the president, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said additional economic sanctions on Syria were being prepared.

Thursday night’s strikes — some 60 cruise missiles fired from two ships in the Mediterranean — were the culmination of a rapid, three-day transformation for Trump, who has long opposed deeper U.S. involvement in Syria’s civil war. Advisers said he was outraged by heartbreaking images of young children who were among the dozens killed in the chemical attack.

I still cannot believe this is the official line.

He couldn’t control his emotions upon seeing pictures of suffering babies, so he acted in an insane manner which appears as if it could potentially lead to a third world war.

On the 100 year anniversary of the US entry into the first world war (I mean, let’s talk about that for a second – is it even possible that is a coincidence, and not some sort of Kabbalistic joke? I don’t even go along with most of the deep conspiracy stuff, but seriously – how can that be coincidental? Really, how?)

The decision undercut another campaign promise for Trump: his pledge to try to warm relations with Moscow. After months of allegations of ties between his election campaign and the Kremlin — the subject of current congressional and FBI investigations — Trump has found himself clashing with Putin.

On Friday, senior U.S. military officials were looking more closely at possible Russian involvement in the poison attack. Officials said a drone belonging to either Russia or Syria was seen hovering over the site after the assault earlier this week. The drone returned late in the day as citizens were going to a nearby hospital for treatment. Shortly afterward, officials say the hospital was targeted.

The officials, who insisted on anonymity in order to discuss the sensitive matter, said they believe the hospital attack may have been an effort to cover up evidence of the earlier assault.

So yeah, now Russia did the Sarin gas.

Because why wouldn’t they?

Russia does everything that happens.

This situation is on the verge of spiraling out of control.

We all see that, I think.

I am just waiting for a sign that this is some big mistake or accident, and we will soon just go on back to arguing about Healthcare or global warming or whatever.

But I am getting no such sign.

Still, we have to wait.

We don’t have any choice.