Daily Stormer
December 20, 2013
In an apparent attempt to insult the Russian people and their laws against spreading homosexual propaganda, the official US Olympic delegation to the 2014 Sochi Games features openly homosexual athletes Brian Boitano, Billie Jean King and Caitlin Cahow. This makes three out of the five athletes in the group homosexual.
Boitano only officially “came out” as a sodomite pervert a few days ago, conveniently coinciding with the publicity campaign surrounding the delegation.

To add to the affront, the most prominent government official on the delegation is the allegedly straight (but completely lesbian looking), former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.

These are the values of 21st century Jew-run America. In an effort to destroy all decency and tradition, homosexual freaks are paraded about in the media as icons of “tolerance” and “progress”.
Meanwhile, the Russians are working to rebuild their society by strengthening religion and the family, both necessary elements in a strong and healthy nation. God bless their efforts, and let us hope that we will soon follow their example.