Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017
Andrew Lack
The investigation into US election interference has uncovered a new and damning story. What the Daily Stormer already knew in October when “Pussygate” first started being force fed to the goyim has now been confirmed.
Tucker Carlson and Fox News have sources within NBC News that substantiated the fact that (((Andrew Lack))) (Chairman of NBC News and MSNBC) discreetly leaked the Access Hollywood hot mic tape to its “competitor” (((Marty Baron))) of the Washington Post in order to damage Trump on the eve of the second debate. The tape was obtained illegally, in violation of California wire tap laws, but NBC evaded culpability by blaming unknown “leakers.”
This is exactly what the exact same Jewish conspirators are now accusing the Kremlin of in their insufferable fake news campaign. The difference is they don’t have proof for their allegations.
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said Tuesday night that NBC deliberately leaked the infamous tape of President Trump making crude remarks about women in 2005 to scupper his presidential campaign last fall.
According to sources at NBC, Carlson claimed, the tape of Trump’s ribald conversation with “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush was leaked to the Post with the knowledge of NBC brass, including NBC News and MSNBC chairman Andrew Lack.
“NBC’s motive?” Carlson asked. “To derail the Trump campaign two days before a presidential debate.”
Carlson added that NBC executives knew of the tape for months, but were hesitant to broadcast it for fear of being accused of partisanship. But as the reality of a tight race became apparent last fall, he said, “NBC rose to the defense of Hillary Clinton and leaked that tape.”
Reflecting on the public outcry after the tape’s release, which included calls by members of both parties for Trump to quit the race, Carlson asked, “What do you think played a bigger role in the 2016 race, the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape or the Russian government? Just because NBC’s effort failed and Donald Trump won anyway doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant.
“NBC News lied to the public to help destroy a politician they didn’t like,” Carlson said. “We know that. We know they wouldn’t do it again, do we? Do we know they’re not doing it now?”
According to conservative orthodoxy, news outlets put out things like “Pussy Gate” in order to “attract ratings.” But the news division of these major corporations are the least profitable sector, sometimes not even profitable at all. Lack’s MSNBC for example is a ratings disaster, and this could change overnight by changing the editorial line on the network to something that resonates with normal people. But they don’t want to do that.
Cuckservatism asserts that everything is about free market competition, and the J word is forbidden.
But if the desire isn’t money, isn’t ratings and isn’t journalism, what else do Marty Baron and Andrew Lack have in common? What do they share with CNN’s (((Jeff Zucker))), with 90% of the people who work at the New York Times and all the other players in the Opposition Party that ran both Pussygate and the Russian hacking hoax on loop?
Oh yeah – they’re “Liberals”!
Lack was also personally responsible for getting Megyn Kelly a lucrative contract for a cushy job on NBC. The brain dead bimbo Kelly came to notoriety as a partisan moderator seeking to specifically undermine and embarrass Trump during the primary debates. Did the Jew Lack, behind closed doors, offer her a stick with a very expensive gold carrot at the end to do this? Only a full investigation could find out the truth.
Jews monopolize the news for the same reason states controlled the press in the past: to bend the public will. Now with the Anti-Defamation League setting up espionage and intimidation centers in Silicon Valley, they’re in the process of translating this very law of power to already largely Jewish owned Social Media. The newfound free speech we’ve all grown accustomed to is in danger.
The Jew, not the Kremlin, is the true interloper. Conservatives have restricted the dialog, and their inability to talk about the problem as it is leaves our country and freedom in jeopardy.
The Daily Stormer Editorial Board calls on the Congress to open up an investigation into Jewish interference in the 2016 election.