Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 20, 2015

Here we have the closest thing yet to an admission that the US is funding and controlling ISIS (not that it isn’t obvious).
Sources are saying they fear Russia will capture top ISIS dudes.
Russia has made capturing Jihadi John a priority because the high profile ISIS executioner would be a huge propaganda coup, a US security source has claimed.
But Russian president Vladimir Putin is said to be preparing to send special forces to Syria in a bid to track down the British jihadi, whose real name is Mohammed Emwazi.
They will make the 27-year-old killer their number one target – and could also go after ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, it has been reported.The Sun quotes a US security source as saying that it is easier for the Russians to carry out ‘special forces snatch or kill operations’ because Putin has been invited into Syria by President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
‘The fear is that Russian forces will begin to target high-value players like Jihadi John and IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
‘A successful strike against them would be a massive propaganda coup. If they captured Emwazi alive he would be a major bargaining chip.
‘Putin could also say his strong tactics achieved what the West couldn’t. It would be a devastating blow to American prestige.’
It would be a devastating blow to America if Putin injures ISIS.
That is quite a statement, no?

Of course, this is framed as “it would make us look bad,” but at the same time they are saying (at least according to The Sun’s source) they don’t want these men caught.