Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
August 19, 2015
General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Irish Defense Force that he is worried about the effects of mass immigration on Europe’s politics.
Dempsey said that he was concerned with two things about immigration. Firstly, he said he cared about the immigrants and refugees.
He said “Can you imagine there are that many people that are away from where they normally live their lives?”, according to him, there are 60 million refugees
“Family units break down education breaks down, so you have not just a near-term problem but you end up having a generational problem,”
His second concern was that he was worried angry European voters, tired of mass immigration, would turn against mainstream anti-White political parties and vote for parties which offered real change.
He said that this was a 20 year problem, which could not be fixed in a year.
“Frankly, we’re moving at a pace that is not keeping pace with that threat,” he said, “And we really need to awaken to it as a society, as a culture, as a civilization.”
“This could affect stability and peace on the continent,”
“I don’t know where this goes. Normally, when I don’t know where things go, I get worried about them. And I’m here to say that I am worried.”
In short, Dempsey is saying that voters cannot be trusted to make up their own minds — our governments are beginning to sound less and less democratic every day.
This is exactly why we call it White Genocide. We have never voted for any of these policies put in place today; we never voted for “multiculturalism”, for “diversity”, “tolerance”, or “open borders”.
All these agendas have been forced on us by mainstream political parties, and even the most trust-worthy polls show that the majority of people are against them. So why do they do it?
When it comes to politics, words like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are just thinly-veiled code words for “lets get rid of all the White areas”.
Back on planet Earth, if you try to get rid of a group of people – it doesn’t matter if your methods are non-violent – it is genocide, no “ifs” and no “buts”.