US is Promising Kim No Regime Change

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2018

It seems like a very good deal to open up North Korea peacefully, slowly and safely has been made by Donald Trump.

Every detail that is released about this process seems good.

It is such a gosh-darn shame that Trump can’t negotiate deals that actually matter for the wellbeing of America and Americans.


The US will have to assure North Korea it won’t seek to undermine its leader Kim Jong-un, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has implied. That comes after years of slamming him as a dictator and squeezing his country with sanctions.

With less than a month left before the hugely-anticipated talks between US President Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore, the US top diplomat has indicated that any deal paving the way for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula will have to include certain US safeguards allowing Kim to stay in power.

“We will have to provide security assurances to be sure. This has been the trade-off that has been pending for 25 years,” Pompeo told ‘Fox News Sunday.’ Pompeo was speaking to Fox’s Chris Wallace just a few days after he returned to the US from his second meeting with Kim, during which they were supposed to thrash out the details of the Trump-Kim summit on June, 12.

Here’s that.

He was also on Face the Nation yesterday.

The upcoming talks are being hailed as a monumental personal success by Donald Trump, who, just months ago, berated Kim as a “mad man” and as a “rocket man on a suicide mission,” threatened him with “fire and fury” and boasted about having a bigger nuclear button. Now, the Trump administration is using the negotiations as a way of saying it’s better than the previous ones.

“No president has ever put America in a position where the North Korean leadership thought that this was truly possible that the Americans would actually do this, would lead to the place where America was no longer held at risk by the North Korean regime,”Pompeo said.

As for Kim being a “dictator” and “oppressor” with a poor human rights record – apparently, the safety of the US eclipses that.

Practical reality eclipses that, even if it’s true, which it probably isn’t.

Unless if it’s the “animal” Assad – in which case, simple rumors of using non-traditional weaponry against terrorists results in a bombing campaign for human rights.

This Korea thing was beautiful. Everything smooth, reasonable, beneficial to all parties.

I mean it’s not over yet, but it appears to be just about over.

That could be done just as easily with Assad and Iran… if you were willing to relocate the Jews from Israel.

Because yeah – there really isn’t any clear solution in the Middle East while Israel exists, other than Shiite genocide, with every Arab state being run by Wahabist terrorists.

But then you have Russia making that particular path impossible.

So I don’t even know what Trump is thinking.

Currently, every Middle East decision he appears to be working toward ends with war with Russia. The strategy is as bad as the Korea strategy was good.


Nah, fuck that.

I’m done with chess memes bro.