US: Just 6% of Illegal “Youths” Deported

The New Observer
December 18, 2015

The Department of Homeland Security has told Congress that for the past six years it has deported just 6 percent of illegal “youths” (i.e. nonwhite invaders) who entered the country illegally.

This, the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), Jessica M. Vaughan, said was an “enormous policy failure that illegal immigrants are seizing on to encourage friends and relatives to raid the border.”


Getting into the United States is so easy, and staying here a cinch, that illegals are even telling US Border Patrol officials that they know they will be freed and are using social media to send home photos of their “permisos,” documents that set them free.

“Border Patrol agents have confirmed that the new arrivals are saying that they know they will be released after they are processed,” said Vaughn.

“They have heard this from family and friends who have gone before and shared their experience. They use social media to communicate this, sometimes even texting pictures of what they call their ‘permiso,’ which is the document they get showing them to appear for a court date years in the future,” she said.

According to a Congress report, DHS told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that since 2009, it has apprehended some 122,700 “unaccompanied children” from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. But it has only “repatriated” about 7,700, or 6 percent.

Vaughn said the problem was being exacerbated by the administration’s practice of releasing most illegal minors who “promise to show up” at an immigration court hearing, and a recent judge’s order to close some detention centers.

The invaders believe that once they get across the border they are “home free,” said a report on the issue from the Senate Homeland panel headed by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson.

A new surge of crossings by minors on the border appear to prove that out, according to Vaughan.

When asked about a new report on the surge and what was fueling it, she said, “I believe that part of the reason for the new surge is that the smugglers now can assure their potential customers that they will no longer face a possibility of extended detention after being processed by the Border Patrol, because a federal judge has ordered DHS to close the family and child detention centers.”

Vaughan said that Border Patrol agents have revealed that new arrivals know they will be released once processed and use social media to spread the word in Latin America.

“The simple answer is that they keep coming because they know they will be allowed to stay. Nothing has changed in their homelands that could be driving it; it’s all about the pull of Obama administration policies.”