US Kept Funding Afghani Boy-Rapists While Knowing Their Ways

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

So, look.

I am against the US invading idiot Moslem shitholes for the Jews.

But once they are there, what are they supposed to do about a thousands-of-years-old practice of boy-buggery?


The Pentagon funded Afghan military and security forces despite knowing that some of them were involved in numerous human rights abuses, including sexual assaults on children, a government watchdog says.

The stunning revelation came in the form of a declassified report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a US government agency tasked with delivering independent oversight of reconstruction projects and activities in Afghanistan.

The 63-page document – parts of which were heavily redacted – maintains that the Obama administration funded the Afghan military, which it knew was committing human rights abuses, including sexual assaults on children. It was composed back in June 2017, but was cleared for publication on January 18.

The Pentagon funded 12 Afghan units complicit in 14 human rights incidents in 2013, the SIGAR report said, adding that nine additional units received US funding with some limitations on the use of the money.

A law in the US called the Leahy Law forbids the US military and the State Department from funding foreign military or police units in cases where there is reliable evidence that the units have carried out gross violations of human rights.

Despite the Pentagon and the State Department being aware of confirmed human rights violations committed by the Afghan forces, a legal loophole in the DoD’s Appropriations Act allows the Leahy Law to be bypassed when support for the units in question is essential for a “national security concern.”

According to the SIGAR report, which was due to declassification in 2042, 22 of the 75 violations reported were classified at a level above “secret” and could not be disclosed, while seven involved “child sexual assault.” A further 46 involved other gross violations of human rights, including extrajudicial killings and torture of prisoners. The violations occurred from 2010 to August 2016.

While composing the document, the watchdog interviewed 37 individuals, 24 of whom stated they knew about children being sexually exploited by the Afghan forces.

This revelation effectively echoes last year’s Pentagon report, which admitted that US military personnel deploying to Afghanistan had been taught that sexual abuses against children – known in Afghanistan as ‘bacha bazi’, literally ‘boy play’ – was a “culturally accepted practice.” 

It is a “culturally accepted practice” – that is not a fact which is in dispute.

It is instituitonalized

These people are sick, inbred animals. Expecting them to behave like human beings is the epitome of absurdity.

But I suppose this sheds a little bit of light on the Bush/Obama agenda of bringing civilization to the savages.

It does not work.

It does work the other way, however – savages can indeed bring savagery to civilization. Which is what the West has settled on as a method of achieving the Marxist dream of a global lowest common denominator.