US Military Says Iraq and Kurds Have a Ceasefire, Then Issues Retraction Saying They Do Not

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2017

I’m not sure what the fuss is about here – the Kurds already effectively surrendered and apologized for their independence vote.

You can call that a ceasefire or not call it that – whatever – the fact is that neither side is presently attacking the other.

I have argued that Iraq should continue to attack the Kurds, to crush them and rape and force-marry their women to non-Kurdish men. However, it is unlikely that they will follow the Anglin Plan.


US-led coalition has retracted its previous statement on a ceasefire agreement between Bagdad and the Kurd, clarifying that there was no “official ceasefire” yet and that the two parties only “talk with each other”.

The news of the ceasefire came on Friday from coalition spokesman in Baghdad Col. Ryan Dillon, who eventually retracted his comments on Twitter.

Brokering of the agreement was however confirmed by the Kurdistan region’s spokesperson, who, according to Reuters, said that the ceasefire “is holding.”

Dillon earlier told the Kurdish Rudaw news channel that the coalition knew “that there is a ceasefire” and wanted it “to extend, to not be just a ceasefire for a short period of time, but that it extends and there is no more fighting.”

Dillon stressed that the Iraqi and Kurdish forces should settle their disagreements and focus on fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) instead of each other. The hostilities, which followed an Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum deemed illegal by Baghdad, therefore should be stopped, he argued.

“We are encouraging dialogue, and to trying to get to the right people through our contacts from both Peshmerga and the Iraqi security forces. So that something could be worked out diplomatically, and through dialogue, as opposed through fighting,” he added.

The apparently ongoing talks on the ceasefire follow some ten days of clashes between Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga which broke out in the aftermath of the September 25 independence referendum. The Kurdish poll was deemed illegal by the central Iraqi government.

Kirkuk was only on the border of so-called “Kurdistan,” but it was fully occupied Iraq took it in a few hours without any problem at all.

Possibly because their military is mostly women, lol.

This is obviously not a fight the Kurds can win without backing by Western nations. Even if they could somehow hold off Iraq, every other bordering country is against them. You would actually have Turkey and Iran working together against them.

So they’re negotiating surrender and trying to keep some of their autonomy so as they can live to fight another day.

It is obvious that the surrender is strategic, which is why I think that the region should be colonized and the people forcibly assimilated through rape, forced-marriage and a banning of language, music and other forms of culture associated with the Kurdish people.

There is no good reason that the Kurds should be allowed to continue to exist.