US Military Says They’ll Cut Ties with Kurds for Siding with Assad…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2019

The Kurd army AKA “Slutmarch.” 

This is really funny, if you’re following this stuff.

The Jews went absolutely nuts over Trump’s pullout, saying that our troops needed to remain in Syria to protect the Kurds.

Now the Kurds have allied with Assad, so they’re basically declaring this once noble group an enemy.


The United States will have to sever its military assistance to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) battling Islamic State if the fighters partner with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or Russia, a senior U.S. general said on Sunday.

The remarks by Army Lieutenant General Paul LaCamera, who is the commander of the U.S.-led coalition battling Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, underscore the tough decisions facing the SDF as the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from Syria.

Syrian Kurdish leaders have sought talks with Assad’s state, hoping to safeguard their autonomous region after the withdrawal of U.S. troops currently backing them.

They fear an attack by neighboring Turkey, which has threatened to crush the Kurdish YPG militia. Ankara sees the Syrian Kurdish fighters as indistinguishable from the Kurdish PKK movement that has waged an insurgency inside Turkey.

But LaCamera warned that U.S. law prohibits cooperation with Russia as well as Assad’s military.

There you have it.

It is against the policy of the US to ally with the government of your country. Instead, you have to stage a terrorist insurrection.

It’s almost like the politics of the Middle East are more than Western manipulators are able to grasp.

Maybe we should just stop trying to direct the region?