Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2015

The atrocity lie is an age-old technique. Historically, it has worked great. The Nazi gas chamber hoax is the most famous example of this technique of demonizing the enemy, of course. More recent examples include saying Saddam was throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait.

Recently, however, this method has been experiencing trouble. Just last year, Obama and the snakelike AIPAC Jews tried to invade Syria on the premise that Assad had been gassing his own people for no reason. But people were all like “wait, what? why? where’s the proof?”
And the Jews were all like “Goyim, I…”

Now the atrocity lie is failing again, as the US attempts to claim that Russia is blowing up hospitals in Syria for no reason, and people are all like “wait, what? why? where’s the proof?”
Goyim are so bad these days…
The US maintains that Russian airstrikes hit hospitals and caused collateral damage in Syria. However, when asked to provide supporting evidence, Washington said that it bases its allegations on “press reporting” and unconfirmed accounts from “civil society groups.”
“We have seen some press reporting to that end. We have seen some Syrian civil society groups says that,” US State Department spokesperson John Kirby said. He did not name any specific organization or news outlet.
Yeah, the organization is called the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

In must be true because all of this media is saying the same thing!
Instead, Kirby stressed that the US also has some “intelligence and operational information” but he firmly refused to share it.
“I’d tell you that we have some other operational information that lead[s] us to believe that Russian targeting has not only not been focused on ISIS/ISIL but has in fact caused collateral damage and some civilian casualties, to include some civil infrastructure,” Kirby said.
When asked by RT reporter Gayane Chichakyan to “offer something more solid” in terms of evidence that would support Washington’s beliefs, Kirby said: “No, I’m not going to talk about that.”
Kirby was then asked if he thinks the evidence should be made public. In response, he stressed that he just did so.
In the meantime, Red Cross personnel on the ground in Syria could not confirm or deny whether any airstrikes allegedly delivered by Russian jets had struck hospitals “in the absence of any firsthand information.”
“We’ve seen these reports as well, but in the absence of any firsthand information coming from our teams on the ground, I can neither confirm, nor deny these allegations,” Dominik Stillhart, director of operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross, told RT.
Meanwhile, the US actually does bomb hospitals (on purpose), and there is evidence of it in the form of pictures and dead bodies.
New satellite images have been released of the French hospital they bombed in Afghanistan.

Though I understand that John Kirby believes he own words to be “evidence” to support his claims, it would mean a lot if he could just release some more traditional evidence.