US Schools Spend Nearly $3.2 Billion Protecting Satanic Tranny Anti-White Ideology

There are only so many hours in the school day, so the funding for these programs has been pulled from other subjects. Therefore, the cost of the tranny and nigger indoctrination is actually zero, because schools are just taking money from math and science classes.

But the “attacks” on these subjects costs schools billions? What?

The Guardian:

Attacks targeting American public schools over LGBTQ+ rights and education about race and racism cost those schools an estimated $3.2bn in the 2023-24 school year, according to a new report by education professors from four major American universities.

The study is believed to be the first attempt to quantify the financial impact of rightwing political campaigns targeting school districts and school boards across the US. In the wake of the pandemic, these campaigns first attempted to restrict how American schools educate students about racism, and then increasingly shifted to spreading fear among parents about schools’ policies about transgender students and LGBTQ+ rights.

Oh, yes. Fear is expensive. Especially when someone spreads it to you.

Researchers from UCLA, UT Austin, UC Riverside and American University surveyed 467 public school superintendents across 46 US states, asking them about the direct and indirect costs of dealing with these volatile campaigns. Those costs included everything from out-of-pocket payments to hire to lawyers or additional security, to the staff member hours devoted to responding to disinformation on social media, addressing parent concerns and replying to voluminous public records requests focused on the district’s teachings on racism, gender and sexuality.


Schools hire staff to defend trannies on the internet? 

The campaigns that focused on public schools’ policies about transgender students often included lurid false claims about schools trying to change students’ gender or “indoctrinating” them into becoming gay. This disinformation sparked harassment and threats against individual teachers, school board members and administrators, with some of the fury coming from within local communities, and even more angry calls, emails and social media posts flooding in from conservative media viewers across the country.

In addition to the financial costs of responding to these targeted campaigns, the study revealed other dynamics, the researchers said. “The attack on public officials as pedophiles was one I heard again and again, from people across extremely different parts of the country: rural, urban, suburban. It speaks to the way that this really is a nationalized conflict campaign,” said John Rogers, an education professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the lead author of the study. The frequency with which both school board members and school superintendents were “being called out as sexual predators – it was really frightening”, Rogers said.

Superintendents from across the country told the researchers how these culture battles had affected their schools, and cut into resources they would have preferred to spend on education.

There is no other school subject that needs an expensive defense force.

Maybe it’s time these people just admitted that they went too far with the woke indoctrination campaign, that most parents simply do not want this and the parents that do can send their kids to some kind of faggot camp to learn about cutting off dicks?

It’s also probably not even effective. Remember when the DARE program just caused kids to be more interested in doing drugs?

Shoving this nigger/tranny gibberish down kids’ throats is just going to turn them all into unhinged race-haters. Which I guess is good.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.