US Special Forces Wants Less Pressure Under Next President

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2016


The US Special Forces are not looking forward to another endless war President.

One would imagine that the solution to this problem is to vote for Donald Trump.


The next US administration should rethink the use of special forces, giving them more resources and fewer missions to ease their “heavy burden,” top officers have said in a newly released paper.

With just one week to go until the US presidential election, six former Special Operations Forces (SOF) commanders as well as some 50 active-duty officers were asked by the Virginia-based think tank CNA to reflect on how the next administration should use the troops for covert missions abroad.

“Countering terrorism will initially be a priority for the next administration and SOF will play a central role in this mission,” said the CNA report, which was based on anonymous discussions among SOF officers during a half-day meeting.

US commandos “have shouldered a heavy burden in carrying out these missions, suffering a high number of casualties over the last eight years and maintaining a high operational tempo that has increasingly strained special operators and their families,” the SOF officers said.

It’s a little bit surprising that Hillary Clinton hasn’t made a direct appeal to the “endless wars forever” contingent of the GOP.

But looking at things, I’m not even sure that contingent exists anymore. I think for the most part, these were people who had their base instincts exploited by George Bush’s Jewish neocon cabal. They were told they were going to hunt down and take revenge on people who attacked us, and instead they just began an endless series of wars.

Of course, there was serious overlap between the “revenge on Moslems” group and the “protect the chosen ones of Israel” group. And the latter does still exist, as evidenced by Trump having to give lip service to the Jew terrorist state. But I think those people must be mostly dying off at this point.


Christianity sold itself out, and part of that sellout was endorsing some really bizarre science fiction type gibberish about end times prophecy coming true. The problem with this sellout is that their children had no interest in a dead, empty carcass of a religion, which was based almost entirely on worshiping Jews, with a bit of rock music and low-grade self-help material thrown in for good measure.

Now, it’s pretty much finished. It spent itself. I see virtually no one under the age of fifty who is pushing the evangelical Christian doctrine, and anyone who is is largely viewed by society as suspicious and anti-social.

Bottom line: very few people remain interested in fighting wars “because the Jews.”

These kikes had a good thing going with convincing the stupid goyim to literally worship them as some kind of master race, but that wasn’t sustainable. It was workable within the context of the decadent boomer weltanschauung. With that dead, the show is over.

Same deal with the Holocaust, as a matter of fact. A generation not rooted in the decadence and self-absorption of the boomer generation is unable to expend emotional resources on a decades-old alleged historical tragedy that happened on a different continent.