Daily Stormer
July 4, 2015

Did you need more evidence that the United States is completely controlled by evil Jews, hellbent on mass-murder and wide-scale global doom?
The United States was the only country to stand with Israel as a majority of the United Nations Human Rights Council voted on Friday to hold the Jewish state accountable for human rights violations during its war with Hamas in Gaza last summer.
“We are troubled that this resolution focuses exclusively on Israel,” US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Keith Harper said as he explained why his country voted against the motion.
He added that his country was also disappointed “that this council does not acknowledge the violent attacks [by Palestinian armed groups] against Israel.”
Some 41 of the 47 member UNHRC states that met in Geneva on Friday afternoon approved the resolution which stemmed from a report on last summer’s Operation Protective Edge, that was submitted to the UNHRC last month by its fact-finding mission. This including those UNHRC member states which belong to the European Union, such France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia and the Netherlands.
What happened in Gaza was obviously not simple “war crimes” but a mass murder. “War crimes” implies some sort of military goal which was unclear in the bombing campaign against the Arabs.
These people bombed hospitals and schools, UN protected zones. More than once they declared a ceasefire so that people would go to the hospital, then proceeded to bomb the hospital. This was insane, like nothing else which has ever been televised.

The idea that anyone would try and defend these barbaric acts of genocide is unbelievable, and shows the degree to which the Jewnited Snakes is completely under ZOG rule.