May 10, 2014

In yet another indication of the twisted anti-white nature of the current American political system, white people have been blamed for the fact that nonwhite students have a dramatically higher rate of arrests for school-related disturbances and violence.
The higher arrest rate—referred to as the “school-to-prison pipeline” was revealed by the Obama administration when it announced a new set of “measures” which, it said, would attempt to halt the massive nonwhite law-breaking.
According to a joint statement (PDF here) released by the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and the US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, all statistics show that black students “without disabilities are more than three times as likely as their white peers without disabilities to be expelled or suspended.”
According to the statement, although black students “represent 15% of students in the CRDC, they make up 35% of students suspended once, 44% of those suspended more than once, and 36% of students expelled.
“Further, over 50% of students who were involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement are Hispanic or African-American,” the statement continued, before moving on to blame alleged white racism for the situation.
“[R]acial disparities in student discipline give rise to concerns that schools may be engaging in racial discrimination that violates the Federal civil rights laws,” the statement said—in effect blaming whites, adding that “In short, racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem.”
This vicious anti-white smear is repeated mindlessly by the controlled media (see for example the Huffington Post’s “Black Voices” story here—note they don’t have a “White Voices” section).
Blaming alleged “white racism” is an old canard which is always used to “explain” nonwhite failure, be it academic, social, political or economic.
According to this anti-white logic:
– When nonwhites are arrested in greater numbers, it is not because they actually do commit more crime, but, it is claimed, because “the police system is “racist”;
– When nonwhites are sent to prison more often than whites, it is not because they are guilty, but, it is claimed, because “the judicial system is “racist”;
– When nonwhites fail to perform academically, it is not because they have a lower average IQ, but, it is claimed, because “the educational system is racist”;
– When nonwhites fail to advance economically, it is not because they have less ability, but, it is claimed, because the “white-controlled economy is racist and deliberately withholds jobs from nonwhites.”
In other words, according to this belief, there is some type of worldwide white conspiracy to “do the black man down”—which is of course nothing but an outrageously libellous fantasy which has two purposes: to cover-up nonwhite failure to achieve, and to incite hatred against white people.
* Observers have also pointed out that the official figures for school-related arrests are incorrect, in that the US government quite often classifies Middle Easterners, many Mestizos and North Africans as “white” as well.
The figures they quote, therefore, are an understatement with regards to nonwhite criminal behavior at school-level.