Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2015

One form of enrichment that is actually occurring through immigration in America is Asians driving up academic performance.
In one of this year’s most intense international competitions, the United States has come out as best in the world — and this time, we’re not talking about soccer.
This week, the top-ranked math students from high schools around the country went head-to-head with competitors from more than 100 countries at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Chiang Mai, Thailand. And, for the first time in more than two decades, they won.
Po-Shen Loh, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and head coach for Team USA, says the competition is held over the course of two days. Students work on three math problems each.
“If you can even solve one question,” Loh tells NPR’s Arun Rath, “you’re a bit of a genius.”
The U.S. team last won the Olympiad in 1994. Reports in recent years have raised concerns that American math students are falling behind those in the rest of the world. But, Loh says, “At least in this case with the Olympiads, we’ve been able to prove that our top Americans are certainly at the level of the top people from the other countries.”
Concerns have also been raised over the years about a persistent gender gap in U.S. math achievement. All six members of this year’s winning team are boys. “That is actually something that one hopes will change,” Loh says. “The top 12 people in the country on the United States Math Olympiad happen to have two girls in it. One might say, ‘Only 2 out of 12, that’s terrible.’ But I should say in many years, it was, unfortunately, zero.”
Gotta solve that gender gap.
Only to make women good at math, we are going to have to literally re-wire their brains. Guess it’s a small price to pay for equality.
Anyway, yes – Asians do in fact raise the general level of academic performance in America, given that our standards have dropped so low. White Americans are decadent in a way that Asians are not, Asians care about achievement in a way that Americans do not. Fact of life.
Obviously, no other race offers anything to our society, and what the Asians do offer they really only can offer because our society has dropped to a pathetic level due to the Jew occupation.
Many will celebrate the fact that our colleges are turning out high-level graduates because of Asian invasion, but what is the purpose of these institutions? To help Asians or help the society that created them?
I think that in a perfect world there could be some academic exchange programs involving Asians and Americans – both China and Japan have decent schools which could provide a good education to White people, presumably – but right now, White students are being pushed out of class by Asians in a way that does absolutely nothing to benefit our country.
Everything that we do as a country should be done with one question in mind:
Is this good for the people?
If we can immediately answer that question with a “no,” then the issue should be dropped right there.
With Jeb Bush’s Common Core, we are going to drop our primary education standards even lower, and there is going to be absolutely no way for Whites to compete with incoming Asians. We need to focus on restructuring our education system to meet the needs of White Americans, particualarly boys. That is what is good for the people.