Use the Military to Shutdown Jew CNN as a Threat to National Security!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017

It is now 100% clear that Jew CNN is fake news and a terrorist organization in need of being shutdown by the military.

These dirty heebs are just openly lying about all sorts of nonsense for the specific purpose of trying to undermine Donald Trump and the government itself.

Dangerous nonsense.

They are doubling down and trying to set up Trump for a hoaxed impeachment.

Look here at the Jew Jake Tapper and the Jew David Axelrod claiming Trump is stupid for calling them out on their pathetic lies about inauguration attendance.

This is pure, open subversion.

Here is the rat Brian Seltser – who claims not to be a genetic Jew (though he looks like one) but has a Jew wife – talking to some Clinton shill again claiming that Trump – and Sean Spicer – lied about the numbers at the inauguration.

Here the Negroid analist Don Lemon groups with #Pissgate merchant Jim Acosta repeating the same lie, this time using faked statistics.

This was their whole broadcast news day yesterday – claiming that Trump lied about the inauguration attendance numbers. They used hoax images and hoax statistics to push this stupid hoax.

This is the real picture:

They were showing fake pictures…!

This is what the one the National Park Services got shut down for tweeting:

It’s from a different time of day!

No one can explain a universe in which this is not sedition.

They need to be shut down and they need to be shut down quickly.

CNN are not only a group of Jewish liars – they are also the de facto leaders of a Jewish terrorist movement.

Today, it was gloriously announced that the 230 terrorist rioters who attacked our nations capital this week will be charged with a felony which includes a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Daily Mail:

Most of the 230 rioters arrested after violent protests erupted in Washington D.C. following Donald Trump’s inauguration will be charged with felony rioting, federal prosecutors said on Saturday.

The charge carries a punishment of up to ten years in jail and a $25,000 fine.

Thousand of protesters launched a violent rampage just blocks away from the White House as anti-Trump demonstrators smashed store windows, set fire to cars and threw bricks at police.

Many of those arrested are due to appear in court on Saturday, according to WUSA 9.

Heated clashes broke out in McPherson Square and along K Street as hundreds of riot police fired tear gas and drew their nightsticks to contain the masked mob.

As the rioting unfolded, Trump and his family were arriving at a review stand at the White House to see the end of the inaugural parade.

Militant anti-Trump protesters gave a foretaste of what could follow during the violent outbreaks, which has so far seen 217 people arrested and at least six police officers injured.

This was open terrorism.

And I ask you: why are these people doing this?

Are they all actually insane?

Well, that can be investigated, but I think not.

Most likely, they have been watching CNN, and believe their lies, and think Trump is somehow ungood.

Charles Manson got charged for allegedly telling people things which made people go kill people.

Why should CNN not get charged with telling people lies that made them go commit terrorist acts against our capital?

We need to send the military into the CNN offices, arrest them all – including cleaners and secretaries and window washers – and put them before a military tribunal.

This isn’t a game.

These CNN Jews are trying to bring down our country, and they must be forced to answer for their treason, sedition and mutiny.