Used-Up Slag Merkel in Full Defense Mode: “Germany will Remain Germany”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2016

angela merkel dogface bitch

Mental wounds not healing. Life’s a bitter shame. I’m goin’ off the rails on a crazy train.

Well, Merkel’s broken.

We broke the stupid bitch, guys.

She is now having to publicly confirm that she isn’t attempting to commit a genocide against the German people.

Major win.

How long ago was it that “Merkel is purposefully attempting to destroy Germany” would have been dismissed by everyone as a kooky conspiracy theory?

Now she has to say “Germany will remain Germany.”


The Local:

One year after Angela Merkel first declared “we can do this,” leading to a huge uptick in refugees applying for asylum, the Chancellor reflected this week on her policies and the future of Germany.

In an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung published online on Tuesday, Merkel seemed as resolute as ever about the decision to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees from war-torn countries.

When she first uttered her now often repeated – and mocked – mantra of “we can do this” one year ago, she said she never expected those few words to make such an impact.

“If you asked me before if I would introduce a distinctive phrase that would be quoted many times over, I would not have thought of this phrase.”


Poor dumb old hag. She never even meant to say that slogan.


Btw, I once wrote a funny article about other slogans she could consider switching to.

At the same time, she said that she used the phrase with “deep conviction… and with the awareness that we were dealing with a difficult and big task.” Merkel said that it was clear there were many hurdles and fears that she needed to dismantle.

Merkel has also recently faced a drop in approval ratings following several violent attacks in July that involved perpetrators who had sought asylum in Germany. In Würzburg, a 17-year-old Afghan refugee attacked a family on a train with an axe. Within the same week, a Syrian man blew himself up in Ansbach, injuring a dozen others.

German media later reported that both had been in contact with members of Isis.

The Chancellor said that it was “completely understandable” that there has been “unease and concern” following the attacks.

She said it showed that, among refugees there are some who did not arrive with pure intentions. This makes integration a huge challenge, she added.

Which ones arrived with “pure intentions” though?

You said they were going to get jobs in the high-tech field and pay the pensions of old Whites. But they can’t even read or write in their own languages.

Is coming to live on welfare a “pure intension”?

But she also continued to reject the notion that there was a direct connection between terrorism and having so many refugees in the country.

“It is simply false that terrorism only first came here through refugees. It was already here, especially with the suspected terrorists that we have been monitoring.”

But the people who committed the attacks weren’t already there.

So what does that even mean?

Like, there is a spirit of terrorism that resides in Germany and these people coming in just got overtaken by this spirit?

Why does everything have to get metaphysical all the time? Can’t we just discuss facts and realities?

She maintained as well that the hundreds of thousands of refugees remaining in Germany would not change the character of the country.

“Germany will remain Germany, with all that we love and hold dear.”

The country has always undergone change since its inception, Merkel said, but she would not let Germany lose the values and principles that make it attractive.

“These are reflected in our liberality, our democracy, our constitutional state, and in our overwhelming commitment to a social market economy, through which our economic strength can absorb those who are weakest.”

How will the country remain the same with a different population?

This is like taking a beautiful fish tank and filling it up with leeches and saying “it will remain the beautiful fish tank we love and hold dear.”

Aquarium fishes in artificial isotope

No one is going to sit and marvel at a tank filled with leeches.

And no one is going to enjoy a country filled with Moslems. Unless it’s like Morocco and people go there to smoke hash. And it won’t be like that.