Vaping is Keeping High Schoolers Off Drugs!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2018

No one can claim that vaping is worse than drugs.

In fact, no one can claim that vaping is even bad at all.

The only reason that the Jew media would be claiming vaping is bad is to try to get kids to do drugs instead.

Once again we see that “anti-vaping” is a codeword for “Jew.”

USA Today:

The percentage of high school seniors who say they vaped nicotine in the past 30 days nearly doubled this year, a dramatic increase that federal officials want to curb with new rules and restrictions.

In the annual Monitoring the Future survey on drug use among adolescents, federally funded researchers reported Monday that more than one in three high school seniors and nearly one in three sophomores say they vaped at least once in the past year.

Nearly 21 percent of high school seniors say they vaped a nicotine product within the past 30 days, up from 11 percent a year ago – the largest one-year increase of any substance use in the survey’s 43-year history.

The survey of 44,482 students from 392 public and private schools was funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan.

Vaping is not a drug any more than coffee is a drug.

Is this study also tracking caffeine usage?

Use of other illicit drugs among teens was flat or declined. Students are drinking less, with lower rates of binge drinking or being drunk. Misuse of prescription opioids also decreased.

Federal officials called the rise in vaping alarming. Officials and anti-smoking activists have called for more education about the potential harms of nicotine addiction and more oversight of the way the burgeoning e-cigarette industry markets e-cigarettes.

“Nicotine is quite an addictive drug, particularly when you are exposed to nicotine as an adolescent,” NIDA Director Nora Volkow said. “The concern is these kids that become addicted to nicotine from vaping also may transition to tobacco smoking.”

No one in history has ever transferred from vaping to tobacco.

You’re supposed to be a group that does studies – show me the study on that.

There isn’t one because it doesn’t happen.

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has described teen vaping an “epidemic.” The FDA last month announced proposals to curb underage vaping by restricting sales of sweet-flavored e-cigarette liquid.

Gottlieb, eh?


E-cigarettes were developed to help adult smokers quit tobacco. But Robin Kovall, CEO of the Truth Initiative, a nonprofit tobacco-control organization, said the industry is “largely unregulated, or loosely regulated,” and doesn’t do enough to curb underage use.

Two in three 10th graders told the Michigan researchers it was “fairly easy” or “very easy” to get a vaping device or nicotine-packed liquid pod.

“Kids have been able to get their hands on and use them in ways that are a lot easier to use than a combustible cigarette,” Kovall said.

“Once you are addicted to nicotine, you are addicted to nicotine. It’s very concerning to have made all this progress (against smoking) and to be sitting on a ticking time bomb of what kids are at risk for in the future.”

Researchers found that cigarette smoking continued a years-long decline in 2018, reaching the lowest level in the survey’s 43-year history. Fewer high school seniors used other tobacco products, including the once-popular hookah pipes, smokeless tobacco and tiny cigars.

Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, an advocacy group, said the belief that vaping teens will turn to cigarettes or other tobacco products is a “mythical gateway effect.”

“Teenage cigarette smoking had stalled for several years prior to vaping coming to market, which was then followed by the record breaking declines in smoking once teens found different, less risky products to experiment with,” he said.

At least the pro-vaping individual gets a say in the papers.

Which is more than we can say of the pro-whites.

All of these papers will quote the SPLC but never quote Andrew Anglin or Richard Spencer in response – which should really tell you all you need to know with regards to their agenda on that front.

I predict that in the near future, pro-vaping advocates will get the same treatment as pro-white advocates, but the Jews are for whichever reason nearly as opposed to vaping as they are to white people.

And now for my obligatory vaping recommendation.

If you need something small to take outside without looking like an asshole with huge clouds, I recommend the Smoant S8. It has clouds as small – if not smaller – than a regular cigarette, and you can get 50mg liquid for it so you get just as good of a hit as you would on a big machine.