Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2014

The Vatican under the leadership of the unbelievably vile and evil Antipope Francis has come out with more statements condoning the sick practices of men who insert their penises into other men’s anal passages.
On Thursday, the Holy See said that faggots and dykes “must be treated with respect” and that their adopted (kidnapped) children should be baptized in the church.

They are now putting out all sorts of documents on the fantastic nature of these sick and unnatural anal behaviors and planning to release more as they push the people further and further toward the Black Gates of Hell.
There is a “certain unease at the challenge of accepting these people with a merciful spirit and, at the same time, holding to the moral teaching of the Church,” the Vatican said in a document, called an Instrumentum Laboris.
The 75-page document is a compilation of the results of a survey sent to 114 bishops’ conferences around the world. Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, General Secretary of the Synod, said that 85% of the conferences responded to the survey.
The document will be used as a guideline for discussions at a synod, a meeting of top Catholic bishops convened by Pope Francis, to be held in Rome in October.
The official name of the synod is “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization.”
Another synod to be held in October 2015, will provide further reflection on the questions before presenting a final document to the Pope.
Clearly, as Bishop Williamson says, after the rug was pulled out from under the church with Vatican 2, this all became inevitable. The entire church has been infested with anus-obsessed homos, and it was clearly only a matter of time before they started to come out with it openly, and infect the world with their disease.
Homosexuality must again be outlawed, and those who perpetrate this act openly must be hanged.