Vee, Stop Denying Science

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 24, 2018

People who go against the Alt-Right will need to lie about or simply ignore at least one thing which is objectively true. Usually that thing is the Jews, the second most common thing is race realism.

The Sargonites are no different. They are denying biology, crime statistics which no one disagrees are real (they just disagree on why it’s a thing or try and hide them), and a very obvious over-representation of certain groups in positions of power. When you get them to admit those things are true, everyone (Sargonite or not, but the Sargonites have been extremely bad about it) will usually fall back on “Well what’s your plan?”

If you then respond with “My plan is to deputize vigilante Right Wing Deportation Squads armed with tazers, netguns and knockout gas to remove these people,” they will respond with “BUT WHAT IF X!”

They are dishonest and just want to sit in a comfortable middle of the road making some shekels.

That will not end well for them.