Vegas Massacre: Security Guard Jesus Campos Fled to Mexico Following the Shooting

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2017

Following yesterday’s report that the feds are claiming that Paddock’s laptop hard drive simply vanished into thin air, along with the report that Paddock’s younger brother had been charged by the FBI for child porn, we have new revelations.

Apparently, during the days when the security guard Jesus Campos was missing, he had fled to Mexico.

New York Post:

Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos mysteriously left the country just days after the Las Vegas massacre, a report says.

Customs and Border Patrol documents obtained by Fox News show that the 25-year-old entered the United States from Mexico at the San Ysidro border crossing in California — one week after the mass shooting.

It’s unclear how long Campos was out of the country. The documents only show that he entered back into the US.

The young man reportedly crossed the border at the same location in January.

While Campos was driving his own vehicle with Nevada plates during that trip, sources told Fox that he took a rental car this time around — which was registered in California.

The new information raises even more questions about Stephen Paddock’s Oct. 1 massacre — such as why authorities would allow Campos to leave the country in the middle of their investigation or how the security guard managed to make it down to Mexico with a gunshot wound to his leg.

Campos reportedly took a bullet from gunman Stephen Paddock at the start of his killing spree.

The union that represents him told Fox that they were aware of his trip to Mexico and claimed it was pre-planned visit. What’s unclear, though, why the group didn’t report his whereabouts in the days following the massacre.

In fact, they said explicitly that they had no idea where he was when asked, claiming that he had simply disappeared. So if they did know at the time, then they were consciously lying.

So, perhaps someone is now telling them to say this? Or someone was telling them not to say he was in Mexico?

Certainly, something must have changed for them to change their story.


So the Campos timeline is now something like this:

  • Walk down the hall, gets shot
  • Eventually gets saved by cops
  • Flees the country
  • Arranges interviews with half a dozen media outlets
  • Cancels all interviews with media
  • Union says he just disappeared without warning
  • Returns to country
  • Shows up on the set of the Ellen Degeneres Show and records bizarre interview where zero questions are asked about discrepancies in the story (some of which he is presumably capable of easily clearing up)
  • Announces that no more interviews will be given
  • Mexico trip exposed
  • Union says they knew all along he was going to Mexico

So, yes.

I’m having a hard time buying all that.

There is no way that all of this could have happened without Campos – and his union – being manipulated in some way by authorities.

So: why?

What did he see?

With the lockdown on all information, and the clear fact that this guy was threatened or harassed in some way, it is likely that we will never know.

That is the Vegas plan: bury all the evidence.