Vermont: Health Department Asks Parents to Stop Calling Their Kids “Son” and “Daughter”

The “woke” thing is going out of fashion, so as you would expect, ultra-liberals are doubling down on it.

The national Democrat Party is backing off of woke, apparently on orders from Disney, but the ultra-liberals will keep trying to enforce it until everyone normal leaves their shitty lunatic asylum states.

The Post Millennial:

The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) published public advice to families on Wednesday, encouraging parents to refer to their children as “kids” rather than “son” or “daughter,” alleging that these phrases are not “inclusive” enough.

The recommendation was included in a social media post regarding “inclusive language for families.” In addition, that post advocated for the use of the term “family members” rather than “household members” to encompass incarcerated individuals, step-siblings, and others who might not live in the house.

Vermont’s Health Department is run by a handsome Jew named Mark Levine. Both his deputies are white women.

Also from Health Vermont’s website. If you don’t understand what this has to do with health, you’re probably a Nazi.

“The language we use matters!” the health agency wrote. “When talking about family, it’s important to use terms that cover the many versions of what family can look like.”

The list of recommendations and the department’s explanations are as follows: “Use ‘child’ or ‘kid’ instead of ‘daughter’ or ‘son.’ This is gender-neutral and can describe a child who may not be someone’s legal son or daughter. Say ‘family members’ rather than ‘household members.’ Not all families live in the same home – think divorced, or incarcerated parents, stepsiblings, etc. Say ‘family’ rather than ‘extended family.’ Often grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are important parts of a core family unit.”

The post contains a link to subscribe to the department’s Health Equity newsletter.

Also included on its website are links to articles such as “What it’s like to be a migrant worker in Vermont” and “Why is Vermont so overwhelmingly white?”

Why is Vermont overwhelmingly white?

What answer did they come up with?

Should I go look it up…?


Here’s the article:

It’s the story of a Jew woman from New York wondering why Vermont is so white and trying to figure out how to make it less white. Because of course that’s what it is. What else would it be?

Anyway, the conclusion is… it’s because racist Vermontites only wanted German/Scandinavian farmers.

Also, people bought second homes there and blacks are too poor to buy second homes (because of slavery).

Finally, um… the tourist literature is too white? Yes, it even has white steeples on their white churches. In the tourist brochures. So black people are afraid to go there.

This is fascinating, informative stuff. Truly.