Very Sad…Swedes Reduced to Drinking Sewer Water

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
May 26, 2018

The Swedes have gone too far this time, let me tell you.


To the joy of environmentalists, but maybe not so much to ardent beer lovers, a Carlsberg-linked brewery has unveiled ‘Pu:rest,’ the first beer made from sewage water. The water is thoroughly purified, though.

The project, inspired by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), saw the New Carnegie Brewery, partly owned by Carlsberg, team up with an innovative sewage treatment plant.

Having undergone “a chain of purification stages,” the treated water was thoroughly tested before it was delivered to the brewery, IVL said. It took the New Carnegie Brewery only four weeks to come up with what its head, Chris Thurgeson, touted as “an ecological and crystal clear pilsner, brewed on recycled water with organic malt and hops.”

Yeah, yeah spare me the Hipster talk of malts and hops.

Let’s get down to brass tacks here.

Once again, Swedes are doing what they do best – trying to force-feed people shit that goes against their instincts and using science as a bludgeon.

Now admittedly, filtering water isn’t hard.

But to what level is the water filtered? Did they get all the estrogen and anti-depressants out of it? Most “clean” drinking water still has shit in it that most of us wouldn’t consider good or healthy.

This Friday, the brewery staged a launch party, inviting everyone daring enough to taste the environment-friendly 4.8 percent drink. While the accounts of those who worked up the courage to take a sip are unknown, the researchers argued that the main challenge they face over its distribution is not technological, but psychological, since people are generally hostile to the idea that the water contaminated with human and other waste might be safe enough to drink. 

So maybe that revulsion we all feel has some grounds, despite what these “scientists” claim…

Speaking of the psychological, I have a question for these hipster Swede sewer scientists: maybe the skepticism was developed over thousands of years of evolution for a reason? That skepticism and gut feeling keeps us safe, and doing away with it for the sake of your pet vanity project isn’t really worth it.

Why do you feel the compulsive need to run roughshod over people’s instincts and natural inclinations?

Even the frumpy White yoga grrl agrees

And on a deeper, more philosophical level: why do peoples like the Swedes, Dutch, Germans and Anglos go so out of their way to defy their natural instincts and experiment with shit like this?

It’s not all bad: these are the most inventive people in the world.

You have to experiment and transgress the existing boundaries if you want to invent, that’s for sure.

But the catch is that this desire to defy nature can cut both ways. 

Am I making too big a deal out of sewer water?


But if you can condition people to drink something they are psychologically and instinctually repulsed by, all of a sudden it makes sense why the Jews and traitors politicians were able to flood the country with non-Whites.

They were able to suppress Swedes’ instincts by appealing to that desire to transgress, appealing to “science” and making the claim that “it’s for a greater good.”

I just noticed that all the same shit that they used in the article to convince Swedes to drink sewer water are the same techniques they used to get Sweden to commit suicide.

Forgive me for noticing the parallel.