Vibrant Germany: Two Afghani Men Force 14-Year-Old Boy to Perform Oral Sex

Daily Stormer
April 6, 2016


Vibrant diversity: the gift that never stops giving.

Daily Mail:

Two Afghan asylum seekers have been arrested for allegedly sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy at a public swimming pool in Germany.

The incident reportedly took place at an indoor pool in Delbrück, North Rhine-Westphalia, on Friday afternoon.

The Afghan men, aged 20 and 25, are said to have cornered the 14-year-old in the showers, where they forced him to perform sexual acts on both of them.

The alleged victim had been swimming in the public pool with an 11-year-old friend when they were approached by the two Afghan migrants.

At around 4.45pm, the two boys left the pool area and were followed by the men to the showers, Westfalen-Blatt reports.

According to a police report, the 11-year-old was able to hide, but the 14-year-old was grabbed by the two men in the changing room.

After this, the 20-year-old and the 25-year-old ‘forced him against his will to perform sexual acts on both men’.

Lifeguards were notified immediately, and the Afghan men could be arrested at the indoor pool.

The pair were brought before a judge in Paderborn on Saturday, and have been detained.

It’s their cultural tradition though?