Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2015

Though VICE was once hip, it is now the epitome of cuckoldry.
Here’s a quote I found in an old article on whether or not someone who tries to repent from being a skinhead should be punished for the rest of their life:
There may be no greater American taboo than neo-Nazism. It falls into the same tier of universally accepted evils as infanticide or child molestation. Institutional, garden-variety racism is an ordinary evil, but thoroughbred white power is far more profound.
There you have it, you filthy goyim pigs. If you believe White people deserve to exist in their own countries, you are exactly the same as a baby-killer or kiddie fiddler. It is universally accepted that you are evil.
What Evil?
How does this image of evil make any sense?
I get called a “Neo-Nazi,” even though I don’t exactly know what that word means. And it would be extremely difficult to portray me as personally evil, or evil in any more general sense.
I have never bombed a hospital or school, as the Jews do.
I have never trafficked in the body parts of murdered babies, as the Jews do.
I have never used a religious institution as a front for mass child abuse, as the Jews do.
I have never mutilated a child’s penis and then sucked the blood, as the Jews do.
I have never even been rude to someone because of their race, certainly I have never wished death upon anyone. And the Jews not only wish death upon non-Jews, they are literally engaged in their mass-extermination.
And somehow it is we who are equated to baby-killers.
Did you know that the Jew-supported Black Barack Obama literally argued for being allowed to kill babies after they were born?
What did we do?
We have done nothing whatsoever, save advocate for the right to collective self-determination for our people.
Portraying us as “evil” is no longer a viable method of dismissing us.
It is time for an actual conversation.