Vicious Black Brute who Punched and Robbed Girls as Young as 13 in 10 Violent Robberies Finally Caged

Manchester Evening News
January 21, 2015

Traval Fagan would punch the young girls in the face, before then stealing their handbags.

A brutal who punched girls as young as 13 in TEN violent robberies was snared by mobile phone tracking.

Traval Fagan attacked females walking in isolated spots on or around the Fallowfield Loop, the cycle track which runs from Chorlton to Gorton. He was captured after police concerned by the spate of robberies launched an investigation across two GMP divisions, and he has now been jailed for six years and four months.

Most of Fagan’s victims were young girls or women walking in dimly-lit areas on their own, Prosecutor Henry Blackshaw told Manchester Crown Court.

The robber sneaked up on victims on a mountain bike, ran at them, grabbed them by the throats, and punched them in the face when they fought back or held onto their handbags and phones.

He was caught after he targeted visiting opera singer Janet Fischer, then 31. She bit him during a frenzied tussle in an alleyway off Brookfield Avenue, Chorlton, and his DNA was found on a glove he left at the scene.

Most of Fagan’s victims were young girls or women walking in dimly-lit areas on their own, Prosecutor Henry Blackshaw told Manchester Crown Court. This means they were very likely only young White girls.

Fagan, 22, who stood trial for similar robberies two years ago and was cleared, denied the Chorlton offence when confronted by police. But because mobile phones register at masts as their users travel past, officers were able to trace his movements from his Caythorpe Street, Moss Side home to the scene of the Chorlton robbery and a string of others.

He went on to admit ten robbery charges between October 2013 and January last year.

Black Judge David Hernandez said “This was a disturbing catalogue of offences – what you did was prey on vulnerable girls and women. Force was used, punching, grabbing round the throat, wrestling with the women and the girls.”

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