Vicious Demon-Possessed Zoomer Commandeers Ambulance and Mangles Innocent Motorist

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2018

We gotta do something about the mutant, autistic Zoomer horde.

Because, and I do not exaggerate at all here, an age of literal demons will soon be upon us.

Hormone-pumped, dick-mutilated, Fortnight-playing, and backpack-wearing little hellspawn will roam the streets waaaay past their bedtimes. Loaded up on a lethal high-fructose corn syrup and crack cocaine krokodil-like prescription medication from the friendly family psychiatrist, Dr. Greenbaumstein, of course.

Seriously, what happens when these Zoomers grow up?

The casualty count is already so high.


Rhode Island police are investigating how a special needs child seized an ambulance resulting in a horrific smash with a motorcyclist. The juvenile drove the vehicle after being brought to a local fire station to calm down.

Smart. A plot to get inside the fire station. Fake a sperg-out.

Press release video

Press Release – Accident involving Central Coventry AmbulanceCOVENTRY, RI On 8/23/18 at 1952 hours, officers from the Coventry Police Department responded to a call involving a special needs juvenile who suffers from ADHD and Autism. Officers assisted the mother of the juvenile who was outside of her car and walking on Route 117. Our officers tried to calm the juvenile who was excited and unsettled, and eventually agreed to visit the nearby fire station to be evaluated. CPD Officers transported the mother and son to nearby Central Coventry Fire Station #7 where they were met by fire personnel. The juvenile then unexpectedly ran into the garage bay and entered a parked ambulance. The juvenile locked the driver’s door, started the ambulance and placed the vehicle in drive. As the vehicle exited the garage bay, Firefighter Scott Brown attempted to enter the passenger side of the vehicle. The Ambulance struck a parked and unoccupied police SUV. FF Brown continued to hang on to the ambulance as it drove towards the road. FF Brown was then thrown from the ambulance and landed in the road. The ambulance crossed Route 117, and was struck by a motorcycle traveling eastbound. The juvenile, Central Coventry FF Brown, and the motorcycle operator all sustained minor injuries and were transported to the hospital for evaluation. The motorcycle operator was treated and released, and suffered a broken finger on his left hand. As a result of this incident, both departments are evaluating our protocols and procedures. We jointly commend FF Scott Brown who risked his life to attempt to stop the ambulance, and despite being thrown from the vehicle sustaining injuries himself, he can be observed in surveillance video crawling to and subsequently rendering aid to the motorcycle operator. The Coventry Police Department Accident Reconstruction Team responded to investigate the scene. The internal surveillance footage from the fire station and footage from a helmet-mounted camera from the motorcycle operator were secured for the investigation and are made available in this release.For all the first responders involved in this incident, it brings into acute focus the challenges that parents, caregivers, and children experience when dealing with autism and other disabilities. It also reminds us of the difficulties our officers and firefighters face when assessing and treating individuals who suffer from mental health disorders. We are grateful that this incident did not result in serious injuries or loss of life. Our thoughts today are with the mother and family of this juvenile who are struggling with the aftermath of this incident. We commend the dedication and resiliency it requires of parents that wake daily to meet the challenges presented in caring for a child or adult with Autism. #Autismawareness #AutismspeaksRespectfully,Colonel John MacDonald & Chief Frank Brown CCFD

Gepostet von Coventry Police Department, RI am Freitag, 24. August 2018

Clever little demon-child.

The shocking incident unfolded after a mother and her son, who suffers from ADHD and autism, were transported by police to Central Coventry Fire Station after the boy became “unsettled”.

More like, “possessed.”

According to local police, the boy had agreed to be medically evaluated at the facility and was met by fire personnel. However, upon arrival the unidentified juvenile ran into a nearby garage bay and entered a parked ambulance.

The boy then locked the driver’s door and placed the vehicle in drive, sending the ambulance hurtling onto a nearby road. In an attempt to stop the ambulance, firefighter Scott Brown tried in vein to jump in through the passenger door but he was thrown onto the road.

CCTV footage shows the ambulance strike an unoccupied police car and causing a collision with a passing motorcyclist. Footage of the accident was also caught by the helmet cam worn by the motorcyclist at the time.

I knew there was a problem with zoomers the minute I saw backpack kid’s dance.

That ain’t natural.

This generation is going to be full of mutant demons psycho killer kids with bizarre dance moves.

Do you know how hard it is to control a retard’s sperg-out?

They thrash around with demonic fervor until they tire themselves out and leave a row of painful red bite marks on your forearm.

But now, they’re getting smarter and more crafty. They use their sperg-outs to get inside high-priority target facilities and steal vehicles/weapons. Don’t believe me? Reread the article above.

I pray to god that we can convert as many to join the ranks of Generation Zyklon as we can.

Otherwise, we’re looking at a full Doom scenario here, lads.