Victory Again! Where are the Brakes?!?!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2016

We are back on VICTORY TRAIL!

Our enemies cower in fear!

Cruzman Sachs was DESTROYED!

Zero delegates for the Cuban anchor baby!


60.5% for THE LEADER!

Cruzman thought he could Jew his way to the top – but THE PEOPLE refuse to be smothered with his pudgy Pizza Hut bead stick fingers!


Heidi Cruzman, wife of Ted Cruzman, told Barbara Walters that the first time Tedman touched her she felt as though she “was being rubbed down with Pizza Hut bread sticks”!!!! Do we want this man as leader of FREEDOM???

Next week, we’ve got states that are all of a similar culture to New York!


The days of dealing with evangelical cuckolds are through! Now we have normal people voting, and we’re going to be getting 60+% left and right!


Badger Beardman climbs VICTORY TRAIL in honor of yesterday’s VICTORY! This is the REAL AMERICA you FAGGOTS!

We only need 192 more delegates to simply declare victory at the convention!

That’s only 57% of the remaining delegates!

And that is:


California itself has 172, and we’re going to get well over 60% there!

And with Cucksich still running, Cruz is not going to be anywhere close, even if we fall short by 20-50 delegates – and that’s the maximum we could be short at this point!

They didn’t believe us when we told them this train was build without a braking mechanism.

They laughed at us, saying it was not possible to build a train without a braking mechanism, and even if it were possible, no one would be crazy enough to do it.

Well Jews, I’ve got a question for you:

Who’s laughing now?


“The jews always used to laugh. They used to think it was a Joke. They aren’t laughing anymore. Today, they realize the gravity of the situation.” -Donald Trump, The Glorious Leader of the White Race and Future God Emperor of the Western Hemisphere

Hail Victory.