Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 5, 2015

I didn’t even call on people to troll Sarah Sahim yesterday when I posted her Twitter account, but apparently enough people sent her messages that she decided to close up shop to protect her feelings from those who disagree with her plan to destroy the White race. Her Tweets are no longer publicly visible, so people can’t find pictures of her ugly face or pull quotes from her ugly posts.
This is a small victory, but shows the power we have. People fear the Stormer Troll Army, for it is invincible and demands justice.
We have sensed weakness, and now we shall mercilessly attack.
Now that she’s responded by retreating, we should keep the pressure on. When her account was still publicly available, she mentioned that someone found her email address. We need to find that and flood her.
She runs a feminist podcast called “Not All Women,” and the site is trollable many links to connected people’s Tumblr’s and Twitters. Ask the bitch’s friends why she is willing to openly insult and degrade the White race, which brought her out of the filthy stinkhole of India due to the kindness of their heart, but is then unwilling to give a response when White people stand up and say “hey, this is our country, slut.”

This is the email for her podcast: Please flood that with “go home you filthy skank, you were never wanted here in the first place” messages.
Remember when typing your messages: this woman has come to our country and then demanded we be removed from our country so it is more comfortable for her. In one message she literally wrote that if she were Prime Minister of the UK, she would deport all Whites to Ireland.
Also, find her Facebook and whatever other contact information is available (except her address – do not post her address).
Our job is to push back. And push back we shall.
Trolls: Engage.