VICTORY, Thy Name is ALT-RIGHT: We Stopped the Caravan!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 3, 2018

It has stopped.

The commie organization that was behind this caravan has backed down and the Mexican government has responded to Trump and DHS saying they want this to stop.

We made this happen.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump is warning about “caravans” of migrants heading to the U.S., though the caravan of Central American migrants supposedly moving across Mexico toward the border was strikingly immobile Monday.

The group of about 1,100 people, most of them Hondurans, had been walking along roadsides and train tracks, but they have stopped to camp out at a sports field in the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca. They are waiting and getting advice on filing for transit or humanitarian visas in Mexico.

Many headed to the field’s stands to shelter under the awning from the hot afternoon sun. As night fell, the migrants, many with children, lit fires to cook their meager rations.

While a group of about a couple of hundred men in the march broke off and hopped a freight train north on Sunday — probably to try to enter the United States — the rest seem unlikely to move until Wednesday or Thursday. Those are probably going to take buses to the last scheduled stop for the caravan, a migrant rights symposium in central Puebla state.

Irineo Mujica, director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the activist group behind the annual symbolic event, said the caravan would continue only to the city of Puebla southeast of Mexico City, “but not in a massive way.” After the symposium, some migrants may continue to Mexico’s capital, where it is easier to make an asylum claim. Mujica said about 300 to 400 of the migrants say they have relatives living in Mexico and so may consider staying here at least temporarily.

It was all pretty undramatic — especially compared to 2013 and 2014, when migrants jammed Mexican trains heading north — but Trump’s angry tweets raised hackles in Mexico.

“Mexico is doing very little, if not NOTHING, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their Southern Border, and then into the U.S. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA. NEED WALL!” Trump wrote in one. “With all of the money they make from the U.S., hopefully they will stop people from coming through their country and into ours.”

Mexico’s interior secretary, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, rejected such pressure.

“We will act with complete sovereignty in enforcing our laws,” Navarrete Prida said Monday. “Of course we will act … to enforce our immigration laws, with no pressure whatsoever from any country whatsoever.”

He said, as he responded to the pressure and totally backed down.


Bullshit, Mexico.

The Alt-Right runs your shithole country now.

Navarette Prida did say he talked Monday with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. “We agreed to analyze the best means to handle flows of migration, in accordance with each country’s laws,” Navarrete Prida wrote in his Twitter account.

A Mexican government official said the caravans are tolerated because migrants have a right under Mexican law to request asylum in Mexico or to request a humanitarian visa allowing travel to the U.S. border to seek asylum in the United States.


So, to sum up:

  • The Alt-Right took up a cause, and began writing emails to the White House (we never got a chance to call, because we only got started on Saturday).
  • Daily Stormer posted two viral articles about it and Mike Enoch began organizing people on Twitter.
  • The cause was picked up on by mainstream conservative media, and the President.
  • Trump began tweeting about it.
  • The narrative began to fall apart because the group pushing this – a radical communist “no borders” group – was not expecting this scrutiny. They backed down.
  • Homeland Security contacted Mexican authorities.
  • Mexico played the whole thing off like “oh, we were going to stop it anyway.”

Basically: the Alt-Right took up a specific political cause, took action and got done exactly what we wanted done.


This is the way we gain political power. This is the correct course.

The “protest movement” thing we tried turned into a complete shitshow, so we are trying something different, and this first attempt was beautiful.

Now we need to start setting up real organizations to use for this type thing, exactly.

This was a very big first outing in the “can we address a specific thing and make it happen?” sphere, and it worked, and we won.

The sky is the limit here, people.

We’ve got a very bright future.