Video Games, Pornography Contributing to “Masculinity Crisis”

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2015

Seriously, bro.
Seriously, bro.

A psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, Philip Zimbardo, conducted a study that peered into the lives of 20,000 young adult men and their habits involving the use of video games and pornography.

Zimbardo found that, in general, their use of video games and porn is excessive and constitutes a “new form of addiction,” effectively creating a digital rewiring of their brains. He describes this phenomenon as a “masculinity crisis.”

The Independent:

Citing the research he and his team conducted for the book, he says: “It begins to change brain function. It begins to change the reward centre of the brain, and produces a kind of excitement and addiction.”

“What I’m saying is – boys’ brains are becoming digitally rewired.”

Citing the research he and his team conducted for the book, he says: “It begins to change brain function. It begins to change the reward centre of the brain, and produces a kind of excitement and addiction.”

“What I’m saying is – boys’ brains are becoming digitally rewired.”

Video games and porn are panem et circenses, Jewish tools to emasculate, faggotize, and mold men into weak, passive subjects. A true Aryan man rejects porn and excessive use of* video games as vices.

Our race and our future are screwed if we don’t channel these young men and pull them away from these vices. The reestablishment of masculinity is looking more and more pertinent every day.

*Added for clarification