Vienna: Kenyan Beats White Woman to Death with an Iron Bar

The New Observer
May 7, 2016

Austrian police in Vienna have held a crisis meeting to discuss “foreigner criminality” after a nonwhite invader from Kenya beat a white woman to death with an iron bar this week.

The nonwhite criminal, aged 21, had been resident in Austria for the past eight years and despite an extensive criminal record, had never been deported.



The Kenyan illegal immigrant pictured on CCTV just hours before he murdered an Austrian woman.

The victim, identified as 54-year-old Maria E., as attacked for no discernible reason by the nonwhite with an iron bar as she was walking along Vienna’s Brunnenmarkt on her way to work as a cleaning lady at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning.

A 41-year-old colleague of the woman who had been with her at the time of the attack managed to hide behind a market stall and call police.

She later told police that when they saw the man up ahead holding the meter long iron bar they crossed to the other side of the street but the attacker suddenly jumped out from between two market stalls and immediately started brutally attacking the 54-year-old.

Police spokesman Christoph Polzl said: “The women had parked their car nearby and were walking to work when they spotted the man with the iron bar. He made them nervous, and they had crossed onto the other side of the street, according to the statement by the colleague of the deceased woman.”

By the time emergency services arrived, Maria E. had died from her injuries, which included several severe blows against her head.

It was revealed that the nonwhite, who came to Austria legally in 2008 but who overstayed his visa, was known to the police and has been reported for 18 previous offences since 2010.

In 2013 he spent some time in jail after being found guilty of coercion and causing bodily injury and in May 2015 he was reported for attacking someone with an iron bar, although he was not sentenced. The victim that time was just lightly injured.

The Federal Office for Asylum was aware that the man was in Austria illegally and had ordered his deportation a few years ago but had “not yet managed to carry it out.”

Included among the offenses for which the invader had been arrested were assault, narcotics trafficking, theft, and criminal damage—a total of 18 different offenses.

The Vienna police will now try and report on what can be done to “prevent such incidents from taking place in the future,” a spokesman said.

* The Kurier newspaper reported that the Kenyan embassy in Vienna had failed to respond to requests to cooperate with the expulsion of their national.