View from the Stormer: Why the Moslems are an Enemy to Our People

Daily Stormer
February 4, 2015


Marcus Cicero debuts as co-host with Sven for our new Radio program ‘View from the Stormer’ where hot topics from the site will be discussed.

This week the subject is last week’s poll on Islam, where it was asked whether people thought the Daily Stormer was too harsh on Moslems.

The history of the Moslem slave trade is brought up, as well as the Moslem invasions of Europe and how the capital of Christendom used to be what is now Istanbul.

Islam seeks to dominate the world and cannot live side by side with any other people, without subjecting everyone to its laws.

The racial soul of the brown races finds its expression in Islam.

The people are barbaric, which is why their women have to cover up and they go rape-crazy when they see White women.

They are essentially low IQ Jews, who would be behaving just like them if they were in a position to.
