Viktor Orban Interview on the Migrant Crisis and Referendum

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2016

It’s a good interview. He talks a good game.

However, I have been and remain staunchly anti-Orban.

Let me tell you about that.

Orban and a lot of these other cucks ruling Eastern European countries are anti-migrant – and probably anti-faggot, pro-family, and hold a few other basic bitch conservative positions which seem radical only in a radically Marxist world – and yet they are pro-EU, meaning that all of their other positions are fake.

The EU has a value system. The basic concept of pan-Europeanism is necessarily liberal, as it is anti-tradition and anti-identity, and everything that flows from this globalist position is going to ultimately go towards the direction that we hate.

What Orban and other anti-migrant/pro-EU shills are doing is acting like they are going to influence the EU to change their positions as a distraction, while the stranglehold intensifies. Orban can pass a law that says “no more migrants,” while he remains in the EU, and continues the pan-European integration process. All this means is that in a few years, Hungary will be so integrated that they won’t have any more choices as to their own laws because they won’t have any leverage, and Brussels will just say “okay, time for Moslems now.”

The only leverage Eastern countries have right now is the threat to leave the EU. But once their economies are fully integrated, once they have the euro, this will be extremely difficult or impossible to do.

Orban is doing the work of Merkel and Juncker. If it were not for this shill, Hungarians would be demanding to pull-out of the EU, because it is a right-wing country. This is the only way to absorb them – to give them a shill leader who claims he’s going to keep the Saracen out, while encouraging further integration which ensures invasion.

It’s all very obvious. I don’t know why I’m the only person saying this in English.