Vile DACA Babies Preparing to Go Underground to Avoid Deportation…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2018

Now see, this is when you get to thinking “well, maybe Duterte is right, and there is only one way to deal with your enemies.”

What kind of nerve to these beanmonkeys have, ready to go on the run to keep from going back to their own shitholes?

Miami Herald:

Like many immigrants in South Florida and other parts of the country, Jofre is now taking steps to become untraceable after President Donald Trump ordered stepped up enforcement of immigration laws and arrests of undocumented immigrants.

“What if in a few months I can’t work? What if one day they knock on my door?” said Jofre, who lives in southwestern Miami-Dade. “You get paralyzed, you don’t want to do anything drastic with your life. It is a scary thought.”

Jofre, a Chilean immigrant, is technically not undocumented. At least until January of 2019. She is protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ( DACA), which shields from deportation individuals who came to the United States as children and remained in the country illegally.

In September, Trump ended the program and gave Congress until March 5 to approve a legislative solution that would give legal status to the nearly 700,000 people protected by DACA. But the deadline passed without any legislation or new remedies to the dilemma.

The lack of an immigration solution by Congress has generated uncertainty among those with DACA, also known as “Dreamers,” as well as those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and those without legal status. As a result, many undocumented immigrants or those who could lose their legal protection, have started to move to other neighborhoods or cities, close bank accounts and register their vehicles, houses and even businesses in the names of others.

Jofre, who is a single mother, is considering leaving Florida, where she has lived for almost 25 years. She plans to move to a sanctuary state, where local authorities are not obligated to cooperate with federal immigration agencies to arrest undocumented immigrants.

Before DACA, Jofre worked as a waitress, getting paid under the table. DACA allowed her to obtain better jobs and plot a better future.

Jofre and other immigrants interviewed by the Miami Herald said they will have few options if they lose their protected status.

“I would go back to living in the shadows, which is how I have lived most of my life in this country,” she said, adding that she has not even considered returning to Chile, a country she barely remembers.

“I would only go if they throw me out, and I would go kicking and screaming and fighting to stay,” Jofre said.

What is this shit? How are these animals so entitled?

What right do they have?

This isn’t just some free-for-all market where anyone can come and feed off the wealth.


Get out, you parasites!