Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2014

We know that the Churches have become corrupt and people are being led astray, but this particularly perverted preacher has really taken things to another level. It is no wonder that the BBC love him so much and give him a prime time slot on Radio 4. He has no repentance whatsoever for his filthy crimes against nature and God, even going so far as to say that the great liberation of his life was not Christ, but “having lots of casual and anonymous sex with strangers.”
He even lied to his fellow faggots by telling them that he had AIDS in order to get sympathy from them.
Former pop star Richard Coles is utterly unrepentant and depraved and has the absolute front to say that the Church should be begging forgiveness from the Sodomites for being intolerant of their crimes. How the Church of England can justify calling this excuse for a man a priest without renouncing every single part of Christian teaching I just do not know. This creature would have been impaled on a spike and left outside the city gates as a warning to others just a short while ago.
Can there be any left in doubt that the establishment Churches have been taken over by Jews and Antichrists after hearing about this?

Each weekend, the Reverend Richard Coles takes his two million Radio 4 listeners for a gentle stroll along the highways and byways of British life.
As presenter of the family chat show Saturday Live, his wit and whimsy has been likened to ‘the aural equivalent of Ovaltine’; Coles is often described as Britain’s most famous vicar — aside from the fictional central character of the BBC hit comedy Rev, also based on him.
‘I hadn’t realised quite how eventful my life had been until I sat down to write about it,’ he said this week. ‘The truth is, country parsons often have a more vivid past than you might think.’
But surely none is quite so colourful as his.
There is the gay promiscuity and ‘dogging’ with men in a local layby, week-long hard drugs binges, a lost year in Ibiza on Ecstasy and amphetamine, rave clubs, a suicide attempt, the deaths from Aids of so many friends, and his bizarre pretence over a number of years that he, too, was HIV positive, because he thought it made him seem more ‘glamorous’ on the gay scene.
Inspired by his new-found faith, Coles took a theology degree at King’s College, London, before returning to his home county where he began to seriously consider taking holy orders.
Around this time occurred the events which, as recounted in his autobiography, will perhaps jar most with the traditional wing of his church and some of his parishioners.
Having eschewed much of the available gay sex as a conflicted pop star in the Eighties, Coles threw himself into a succession of casual public sexual encounters — now known as ‘dogging’ — as a born-again Christian in the late Nineties.

He explained to one interviewer who met him at his home in Finedon: ‘In the love of Jesus Christ I discovered I was not so loathsome nor so special as I thought I was.’
In fact he had also discovered a layby on a busy road with a wood on either side. ‘This place where men could meet other men and have sex. I can’t say where it is because it’s not far from here.’
The location offered, he says, ‘the perfect infrastructure for late-night debauchery’. What occurred there was ‘one of the great liberations of my life. Having lots of casual and anonymous sex with strangers.’
In another interview he explained further: ‘I was very much healed by the experience of anonymous sex with strangers in lay-bys. There were moments of profound intimacy with people who were dying to be intimate. Dying for it — just being close and being able to be vulnerable and express longing.’
He has admitted this wasn’t consistent with his growing Christian calling, but he wouldn’t repudiate having behaved the way he did then, saying simply: ‘I had a fantastic time.’
In 2005, he was ordained into the Anglican priesthood, and now lives a celibate life, albeit in civil partnership with David Oldham, a 37-year-old curate in a neighbouring parish. They met when Oldham went to hear Coles preach in Norwich seven years ago.
Church of England rules dictating the celibacy of ministers in civil partnership coincided with their own sex life ‘fading away’. They sleep side by side and kiss, but only chastely.
Coles says there is ‘nothing creditable in the Church of England’s position on gay relationships . . . the Church should repent of its hostility to homosexual people and beg forgiveness for its treatment of the gay community’.
In the meantime, he might have to rely upon the tolerance, if not forgiveness, of his bishop.
Coles is ready to be unrepentant: ‘Sex in lay-bys and telling a lie about being HIV might be too fruity for the Church of England,’ he has said. ‘But I’m not going to apologise for telling the truth.’
One awaits with interest the views of Finedon Mother’s Union.