Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2015

Black televangelist Creflo Dollar (awesome name lol) is demanding his people buy him the best ever private jet.
You know, if I had been born without any basic sense of morality, I probably would have went into televangelism. It really and truly is a brilliant scam, which requires almost no work at all and can lead to unlimited shekels.
All of the major televangelists are insanely rich, and the thing is, you weave it into the fabric of your cult ideology that you are supposed to be rich, so you can never get called-out on ripping everyone off.
The founder and leader of a controversial Atlanta-based megachurch has appealed online for 200,000 people to each donate ‘$300 or more’ so that he can buy a $65 million private jet favored by high-flying billionaires.
Reverend Creflo Dollar, 53, is the head of the World Changers Church International, a Christian ministry centered around the prosperity gospel, which preaches that God wants to bless the faithful with earthly riches.
The televangelist, who is one of the most prominent African-American preachers in the United States, this week put a five-minute video up on his website pledging for donations for a Gulfstream G650 – which claims to be the fastest plane ever built in civilian aviation – so that ‘World Changers Church International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace’.
Dollar – who is known to own two Rolls Royce’s and multi-million dollar homes in Atlanta and New Jersey – last hit headlines in 2012, after being arrested for allegedly attacking his 15-year-old daughter.
Among the billionaires who own a Gulfstream G650 are Steve Jobs’ wife Lauren Powell Jobs, Wynn Resorts CEO Steve Wynn add Nike co-founder Phil Knight.
There is a long waiting list for the aircraft, with the next round of planes not due until 2017.
According to the Creflo Dollar Ministry’s website: ‘The ministry’s current airplane, was built in 1984, purchased by the ministry in 1999 and has since logged four million miles.
‘Recently on an overseas trip to a global conference, one of the engines failed.
The reason there are not more Blacks running this scam is because they are not smart enough. If I was going to run the scam though, I would appeal to Blacks, because if you tell these people that giving you money will give them magic powers or whatever, they believe it. This guy probably has drug dealers sending him briefcases full of cash.

Do you guys think I could still go ahead an do this scam? It might work out brilliantly. I can just be like “I was a neo-Nazi, spending all my hours making fun of Blacks on the internet, then God came to me and told me I was wrong! He said – you’re wrong! And so to make up for the trouble I caused the good people of the African-American community, I’ve now decided to devote my life to ministering to them. Now, by the grace of God, if you send me at least $500, I guarantee you can develop magic powers.”
Here is Creflo Dollar’s “buy me a jet” video.