Daily Stormer
December 19, 2015

Why would anyone think this made sense?
Or right. It’s a woman.
A rural Virginia school district canceled classes and a holiday concert after being flooded with angry messages over a school calligraphy lesson that involved copying a Muslim statement of faith in Arabic.
Tens of thousands of emails and Facebook posts have been received, some “threatening and very profane in nature,” Augusta County Sheriff Randall D. Fisher said. No specific threats have been made, though Fisher said he had dedicated an investigator to comb through the messages as a precaution.
Augusta County school officials said in a statement that they canceled the events, including athletics and a fundraiser, as a cautionary measure after consulting law enforcement and the school board.
Anger over the lesson has escalated since a teacher at Riverheads High School gave students an assignment that involved practicing calligraphy and writing a statement in Arabic — the Shahada, a profession of faith recited in Muslims’ daily prayers. It is omnipresent in religious imagery, often appearing on the walls of mosques and in religious art but also on the flags of groups such as the Islamic State.
The statement translate to: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” The lesson was drawn from instructional material that also includes Judeo-Christian assignments.
At a forum Tuesday, one parent said the assignment promoted a false religious doctrine, while other parents expressed outrage. Some demanded the teacher be fired.
The teacher, Cheryl LaPorte, declined to comment. A Facebook group supporting LaPorte had more than 2,000 members on Friday.