Virginia: Paki Rat Demands Diversity Conference Over Mean Jokes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2015

A ratty little fag-boy from Goatluvistan who has invaded Roanoke, Virginia to feed off of the labor of the master race is whining about kids making jokes about his goat-loving ways. And now he wants to shut it down with a brainwashing program and the Jews have backed his psyche-war against the goyim.

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Hey you little faggot. You know how you can avoid being mocked for being subhuman? Return to your own country! Problem solved!

You’re right they’re not kidding! They don’t like you, because you are a rat-faced weasel who doesn’t belong here!


For tenth-grade student Rohan Chakraborty jokes about race are something he experiences more often then he’d like.

“When people say those kinds of degrading comments and then say oh no I’m just kidding or joking it’s really blatantly obvious that they don’t mean that,” Chakraborty said.

It’s comments like those that drive him to make his community a better place.

“I want to learn how to communicate with others to stand up to prejudice and bullying,” Chakraborty said.

Students of all ages took notes Sunday morning at a diversity seminar hosted by Voices of Faith and the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. Katie Zawacki led the program — she’s with Voices of Faith and is trying to turn her community around.

“Racism has as I said earlier raised its ugly head in this country and we have pockets of this (in the) Roanoke Valley, although it still is a great place to live, but not everybody is included fully,” Katie Zawacki said.

It’s a fact that may often get overlooked, but not always on purpose.

“It becomes hard to be able to truly connect with other people if I don’t even know I should be asking certain questions,” Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities President Jonathan Zur said.

Speakers from across the state shared their ways of making sure no one’s left out. And it wasn’t long after that before the real-life ideas started flowing.

“Well right now I’ve talked to a few different friends but I’m thinking about creating a diversity club,” Chakraborty said.

Diversity club???

The weasel even wrote an essay about all these feelings a year ago, the comments of which are open if you’ve got a Faceberg account.

You know how you can make the community a better place, hadji???


It is only a worse place for you being there!

Roanoke – called “Big Lick” – was founded by GREAT AND MIGHTY WHITE MEN in 1852! It was always a fantastic place until you and your weasel and monkey brethren showed up! We do not want you here!

Someone find this guys Twitter, FB, etc. I’m angry and I think we should – very, very peacefully and without any threat of violence – tell Mr. Chakroborty that he is less than zero percent welcome in this country and he needs to pack his Pakis and get out.