The New Observer
December 9, 2015
“Moderate Islam” does not exist, and that religion seeks absolute world domination, one of the founders of the Belgian Vlaams Belang (VB) party told the huge weekly Pegida rally in Dresden, Germany, last night.

Speaking before a crowd estimated in size to be well in excess of 25,000, former party leader and sitting Belgian Member of Parliament Filip Dewinter said that the closing of borders “does not mean that you hate people outside the borders, but merely that you love the people within the borders.”
“Islam is a religion of conquest which seeks to destroy the democracy and to build a comprehensive Sharia dictatorship. There is no doubt that Islam has as its intention the total capture of Europe,” he continued to enthusiastic applause from the crowd.
“Europe is committing suicide not only in the demographic sense, but also in the values which we hold dear,” he added.
“Radical Islam has declared war on us, not the other day, but fourteen centuries ago. The Koran is a license to kill, because it openly calls for war against the infidels. The Koran is supposed to be the literal word of God, and it is read as a military manual,” he said.
Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang until 2013, was part of a twenty-strong delegation—including some of its senators and Members of the European Parliament—who attended the Pegida rally.
Another prominent VB speaker at the meeting was Anke Van dermeersch, an elected senator for the party. She spoke on the status of women under Islam, saying that the “headscarf and the burqa are symbols that the role of slave is the only one which Islam allocates to women.
“Whore or slave, that is the choice, but I want neither the one nor the other,” Van dermeersch, who is also a former Miss Belgium, said to a huge cheer from the crowd.
“As a woman I want to be treated with respect and not as a utensil. As a woman I want to love and protect my children, and not just be a jihadist reproduction machine.”
“Women create new life; we will give Europe new life, which is why we are fighting against the current asylum policy, multiculturalism, and mass immigration, especially against Islamization,” she concluded.
The rally was opened with the now traditional march to the Theaterplatz in the city, where the crowd first sang Christmas carols.
After the guest speakers, Pegida founder Lutz Bachman addressed the crowd, launching a sweeping attack on the state media’s conspiracy of silence over the role of Turkey in Syria.
He pointed out that the media has totally ignored the proof provided by Russian president Vladimir Putin that Turkey is one of ISIS’s largest oil customers, and thereby funds the radical Islamists while at the same time seeking to join the European Union.
He also referred to the French Front National’s win in elections over the past weekend, congratulating that party: “Warm greetings to our patriotic brothers and sisters in France for their historic victory.
“No doubt [Angela] Merkel will soon be telling us that we are being surrounded by evil Nazis, and that this bacillus will spread to Germany, will jump to Germany,” Bachmann said to great laughter from the crowd.
“However, the bacillus is hot, hot for a desire for national consciousness, culture, and hot for the desire for freedom.”