Vlad and The Donald: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2017

I love it when a plan comes together.


In their first phone conversation that lasted nearly an hour, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new US President Donald Trump have outlined their intent to cooperate on issues ranging from defeating Islamic State to mending bilateral economic ties.

“Both sides expressed their readiness to make active joint efforts to stabilize and develop Russia-US cooperation on a constructive, equitable and mutually beneficial basis,” as well as “build up partner cooperation” on a wide range of international issues, according to a Kremlin statement following their discussion.

The White House said that the “positive” conversation was “a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair.”

“Both President Trump and President Putin are hopeful that after today’s call the two sides can move quickly to tackle terrorism and other important issues of mutual concern,” the White House statement added.

“The Presidents have spoken in favor of establishing a real coordination between the US and Russian actions in order to defeat ISIS and other terrorist organizations in Syria,” the Kremlin statement said.

The two leaders also discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as Iran’s nuclear program. “Major aspects of the Ukrainian crisis have been also touched upon,” the Kremlin announced.

The leaders of Russia and the US have noted a need to restore economic ties “to stimulate” further development of the relationship between the nations.

Putin and Trump also agreed to initiate a process to “work out possible dates and venue of their personal meeting.”

During the conversation the Presidents also expressed their desire to “maintain regular personal contacts,” the Kremlin statement said.

The Kremlin said the US President asked his Russian counterpart “to wish the Russian people happiness and prosperity” on his behalf, adding Americans “have warm feelings towards Russia and its citizens.”Putin said the feeling was “mutual,” stressing that historically, the Russians and the Americans were close allies on more than one occasion.

Even after all of this nonsense and fake news, Americans do still have warm feelings toward Russia.

Why would they not?

It’s a white Christian nation that represents the foundational values of America much more than America has for the last few decades.

Putin said “for over two centuries Russia has supported the United States, was its ally during the two world wars, and now sees the United States as a major partner in fighting international terrorism.”

Relations between the two countries have been marred in recent years over various issues, including divisions on the Syrian crisis and allegations of Russian meddling into the US elections in November of 2016.

US sanctions against Russia – imposed over the crisis in Ukraine – was one of the issues expected to be on the agenda of the Trump-Putin exchange. However, the issue was not mentioned in the Kremlin’s statement summarizing the conversation.

Citing an unnamed source in the White House, a researcher at the Atlantic Council analytical center, Fabrice Pothier,  in a Twitter post on Thursday that the Trump administration “has an executive order ready” to lift the restrictions on Moscow, but Trump said on Friday that it is “very early to be talking about that.”

However, earlier in January, Trump said that he would consider lifting restrictions if Moscow cooperates with Washington on certain issues, such as nuclear arms reduction.

“They have sanctions on Russia — let’s see if we can make some good deals with Russia. For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it,” Trump was quoted as saying by the Times.

The biggest problem with making a deal with Russia is that there is nothing to deal on. This has been completely one-sided, with the US under the monkey Obama attacking Russia nonstop for behaving normally.

I guess they could work out something symbolic. Maybe with the Iran nuclear stuff. Or… I’m not sure what else Putin can really give within reason. Maybe he could send over a hundred thousand nubile Russian women to marry Trump’s army of NEET trolls.

Maybe Putin could dedicate something to a cooperative space program.