Vladimir Putin Bans Subversive NGOs From Russia

Daily Slave
May 25, 2015


Vladimir Putin has officially banned subversive non-governmental organizations working in Russia.  The Jewish media, the American government and other Jewish front groups are already crying about how this is bad for the freedoms or something.

The reality is that these NGOs have been used as Jewish fronts to destabilize nations.  The most recent example being what happened in Ukraine where NGOs financed by the evil billionaire Jew George Soros helped facilitate the revolution which removed the democratically elected pro-Russian government.

This ban is targeted at subversive foreign political entities which have no business interfering in the internal affairs of Russia.  It has nothing to do with freedoms or anything of the sort.  

The Russian people don’t need foreign organizations involved in shaping the political destiny of their country.


Non-governmental organizations working in Russia awoke Sunday to a new reality — that they operate now under a law that allows the government to prosecute them on the grounds they are ‘undesirable.’

And those who work for such organizations could be sentenced to as much as six years in prison.

The new measure, signed into law Saturday by President Vladimir Putin, has provoked an international outcry.

The U.S. State Department said it was “deeply troubled.” Amnesty International said the law threatened “fundamental freedoms.” Human Rights Watch called it a “piece of repressive legislation.”