Daily Slave
July 13, 2014

Even though it appears as if Vladimir Putin is pushing ahead with some good pro-nationalist policies for Russia, this recent meeting he had with Jewish rabbis some of whom are Holohoaxers is difficult to defend. During the meeting Putin expressed support for Israel’s Operation Protective Edge which has resulted in the slaughter of over 100 Palestinians. They also discussed how they can fight neo-Nazism and anti-Semitism.
I do understand that Putin is a politician and has to deal with Jews diplomatically but clearly this meeting cannot be considered a positive development. It is hard to believe that Putin doesn’t know that everything that has been happening in Ukraine has been because of Jewish power. It is just bizarre that he would even agree to such a meeting. If we are to be optimistic, than perhaps he is just playing politics but even still it is hard to see anything encouraging about this story.
One item of interest is that during the meeting Putin reportedly said that Joseph Goebbels a leading German National Socialist figure during World War II was a talented man. Why he would make this statement during a meeting with a bunch of Jewish rabbis is anyone’s best guess.
From Community News Service:
Support for Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s military effort to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians, is coming directly from the Kremlin.
“I am closely tracking what is happening in Israel,” Russian President Vladimir Putin remarked in a meeting on Wednesday with a delegation of Chief Rabbis and representatives of the Rabbinical Center of Europe.
The purpose of the meeting, according to the Kremlin, was to discuss joint efforts to prevent the rewriting of history, the fight against neo-Nazism and neo-fascism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.
“It is important to discuss the subject of the Holocaust of the World War II era. There are Holocaust survivors among the rabbis, they have their personal, dramatic stories,” Rabbi Alexander Boroda, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, told Interfax-Religion.