Volvo isn’t about driving you places anymore – it is about exterminating your race!
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 25, 2014
Volvo, formerly a proper Nordic company focused on creating sweet vehicles such as this:
and this:
and this:
is now focused exclusively on manufacturing crappy, useless auto-mobiles, as well as Jewing over the people.
In a recent commercial, Volvo shows a nice White Aryan family, driving along in their Volvo, before talking something about “moving forward” and then showing the daughter, a lovely yellow-haired girl, dating a weird and faggy-looking non-White, probably a Bangladeshi. We are then left with the emotional impression that the forward movement of the situation is a movement from Whiteness into mongrelization with non-Whites. Progress is extermination.
The commercial is directed by a person named Jesse Harris, who is presumably a Jew.

Here is the commercial, in all of its genocidal glory: