Wacky Bitch Hillary to Appear on Dyke Ellen Show with Dyke Ghostbusters

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2016

empire ghostbusters subs cover

Hillary continues to count on the Woman Card, because she has absolutely nothing else.

She also needs to do this comedy crap to try and make like she’s a human being.


Hillary Clinton will join the cast members of the new all-female Ghostbusters remake on the Ellen DeGeneres Show later this month.

“Get your Woman Cards ready,” the talk show host joked.

The new all-female Ghostbusters — starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon — is set to be released July 15.

Earlier this month, the trailer earned the dubious distinction of being the most-disliked trailer in YouTube history. As of this post, the trailer has been “thumbs-downed” more than 797,000 times.

I mean, I guess she’s appealing to her base: butch lesbians.

But she’s pretty well got the butch lesbian vote on lock. So you’d think she’d be trying to sway some of the groups that hate her: specifically, everyone who isn’t a butch lesbian.

By the way, did you guys know they made a lesbian Ghostbusters?

I didn’t until just now.