Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

The botox-ridden Jewish lunatic John Kerry, who is for some reason a high official in the American government, has yet again come out and made completely deranged and demonstribly false statements about the war in the Ukraine, condemning “Russian aggression.”
Kerry said he and Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko discussed issues including Russia’s continued aggression during a meeting Thursday.
The top U.S. diplomat said no one is “seeking a conflict with Russia” and that he was hopeful that Russia would take advantage of broad-based, uniform acceptance of the fact that there can be a diplomatic resolution.
“We can’t close our eyes to tanks coming across the border” or to “Russian fighters coming across the border,” Kerry said.
In a joint news conference after talks in Kyiv with Poroshenko, Kerry urged Russia to show its commitment to a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine by ceasing its military support for the separatists and bringing them to the negotiation table.
“Our choice is diplomacy,” Kerry said, making no mention of the U.S. weighing the decision to supply Ukraine with lethal military aid.
Okay. Deep breaths. Let me get this straight, you horse-faced whack-job:
-The US government, the EU and George Soros funded a bunch of Jew-loving “Neo-Nazis” to stage a violent coup in the Ukraine, overthrowing a democratically elected government
-Unknown gunmen in a building controlled by the pro-Jew “Neo-Nazis” began shooting both protesters and police
-The parliament was rushed, the elected President forced to flee the country
-The Kenyan President of America praised the coup, calling it “peaceful” and “democracy”
-A government almost entire made-up of Jews was installed to rule over the Ukraine
-People in the East of the country voted, and an overwhelming majority decided they wanted to separate from the Ukraine
-The Jewish Occupation in Kiev began slaughtering these people
-The people defended themselves
-Putin voiced support for the people defending themselves
-The Jews continued to slaughter them
And this is somehow Russia’s fault?
Russia is only peripherally involved in this situation. It is all orchestrated by Jews in America connected to Jews in the Ukraine and presumably Israel. All Russia has done, this entire time, is react.
This is absolutely Twilight Zone level, the fact that this Kerry person is not locked-up as criminally insane.