Wait, Russia is Sending Troops to Syria? What?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 2, 2015

Is this the happening we've been waiting for? Finally?
Is this the happening we’ve been waiting for? Finally?

So, it’s being reported that Russia is sending troops into Syria to support Assad.

If true, this would literally be a full-on Russia v. the West proxy war, like they did in Afghanistan way back when.


Despite strong denials from Moscow, Russian airborne troops are preparing to land in Syria to fight Islamic State forces. The surprise attack on Monday, Aug. 31, by ISIS forces on the Qadam district of southern Damascus, in which they took over parts of the district – and brought ISIS forces the closest that any Syrian anti-Assad group has ever been to the center of the Syrian capital – is expected to accelerate the Russian military intervention.

Moscow is certainly not ready to endanger the position of President Bashar Assad or his rule in Damascus, and views it as a red line that cannot be crossed. If Russia intervenes militarily in this way, Russia will be the first country from outside the Middle East to send ground forces into the Syrian civil war.

debkafile’s military sources report that discussions by the Russo-Syrian Military Commission, which was established last month in Moscow to coordinate the intervention, accelerated during the last few days.

Our intelligence sources point out that the concerted activities of the commission are taking place amid the nearly complete paralysis of the US Central Command-Forward-Jordan (CCFJ), where operations against the rebels in southern Syria, including those holding positions across from Israel’s Golan, are coordinated. Officers from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel are attached to the CCFJ.

The semi-serious news blog Zero Hedge is also reporting that this is happening.

Israeli media also says it’s happening.


According to Western diplomats, a Russian expeditionary force has already arrived in Syria and set up camp in an Assad-controlled airbase. The base is said to be in area surrounding Damascus, and will serve, for all intents and purposes, as a Russian forward operating base.

In the coming weeks thousands of Russian military personnel are set to touch down in Syria, including advisors, instructors, logistics personnel, technical personnel, members of the aerial protection division, and the pilots who will operate the aircraft.

Meanwhile, Russian state media at RT says it isn’t happening.

So, it is yet to be clear.

If it is happening, this is one of the most interesting happenings in a long while.

Because in fighting for Assad, Russia wouldn’t simply be fighting Jew-ISIS as the US claims to be doing, or fighting the US-funded rebels of other sorts – they would be fighting Jew-Israel.
