Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2015
IMPORTANT ALERT: New changes have taken place to the official standards of political correctness. Be sure to take note, lest you be shamed publicly and lose your job.
It is now apparently politically incorrect to even identify someone as being of a certain race.

A waitress in Maryland Heights, Missouri, is out of a job after she reportedly labeled two of her customers as “black couple” on a restaurant receipt.
According to KTVI, Kimberli Wilson and a companion were at Patrick’s Westport Grill on July 18 when she saw the words at the top of the bill.
“I was frustrated,” Wilson told KTVI. “I was angry. I was thinking, ‘Really? Are we still doing this in 2015?'”
You may be confused about what is going on here.
Whatever the year is, you remain Black, and this distinguishing feature may be used as a means of identification.
Calling you “Black couple” on a bill is no different than “red shirt man” being written on a bill. It is a means of identification. It has nothing to do with the year.
Why would this bother you, unless you are ashamed of your own race and wish people didn’t know you were Black?
The waitress, who was fired, said she used the label to help remember her table numbers. But Wilson said the waitress should have chosen a different label.
“She could have said first table, table at front door, man with coral shirt,” Wilson told KTVI. “There are so many other options that she could have chosen other than that. That’s unacceptable.”
The restaurant’s owner, Patrick Hanon, wrote on Facebook that he “sincerely apologize(s) for the unacceptable act that is not symbolic of our company values or beliefs. We do not tolerate this behavior and have a zero tolerance for this behavior.”
“We’ve already had lineups with all of our servers and bartenders … but I’m also going to bring in a consultant to give some diversity training so we all understand what it’s all about,” Hanon told KTVI.
Hanon also met with Wilson and her companion to apologize and offer them unlimited meals. All was forgiven, and Wilson gave Hanon a hug.
“If someone extends an apology to me, I will always accept an apology,” said Wilson, adding that she will visit the restaurant again and encourage others to eat there, as well.
Of course she’ll visit the restaurant again. She just won unlimited free meals, presumably for life.
Just imagine if you were in an all Black restaurant (they do make good BBQ) and your bill said “White person.” Would you rage?
Basically, the Jews have put these Blacks through a form of behavioral conditioning where they know they get rewarded if they say “racism.” So now they shout it any time they can. And even when something isn’t discriminatory in any way, such as this waitress innocently noticing the woman was Black, they shout it.
Because Whites have been conditioned by the Jews to roll over on their bellies whenever a colored person says “racism.”
If every time a Black shouted “thass rassiss” they got an electric shock instead of free things, they’d stop doing it. Conversely, if we conditioned Whites to believe that we don’t owe these people anything, they would stop giving Blacks free things when they were accused of racism, and Blacks would stop saying it.
Because believe you me, Blacks do not actually care if you don’t like them (unless they are college-educated/middle class Blacks, which are obviously relatively rare). They don’t like you either. The idea that Blacks care about your feelings towards them is a gigantic hoax, based in nothing. What they care about is what they are able to get from you, period. And claiming to care about how you feel about them has been incredibly productive.
They are also not offended by the concept of “White pride” or White separatism. That is just the Jews.
@AngeloJohnGage @stormer9k even though were called niggers we still say we black and we proud. So be white and proud
— Da Trouble (@dblaziest) July 29, 2015
This can easily be demonstrated by talking to a Black person about race. As long as there isn’t a group of them (in which case they will use you talking to them as an excuse to rob you), you can pretty well speak frankly about race and they will not get rustled jimmies.